500 Things to Love about Penn State #493: Late night

Movies. Crafts. French toast sticks. What do these three (awesome) things have in common (besides their awesomeness, of course)? You can find all of them (and more) at Penn State’s Late Night festivities.

During the week, Late Night (also known as Fourth Meal) is available at Redifer dining commons in South Halls. And when the weekend rolls around, Late Night turns into a far more elaborate affair on Friday and Saturday nights in the HUB.

There’s really nothing that college students enjoy more than completely bad-for-you-yet-delicious food at all hours of the night, and that’s exactly what Late Night at Redifer has to offer. Sure, turkey and stuffing, pancakes, ice cream and ribs don’t usually go anywhere near the same meal, but I’m not complaining. Kudos to Penn State for innovation.

While anyone who enjoys Late Night food on a regular basis will easily weigh 500 pounds by the time they graduate from Penn State (or by the end of the semester), it serves as the perfect study break or post-exam therapy session. Trust me, after you’ve taken a killer exam and all you want is a hug and all-you-can-eat ice cream, Late Night will be your new best friend.

And for anyone who’s never been to Late Night in the HUB, I highly recommend enjoying the free array of recent movies, paint-your-own-ceramic-[insert animal of your choice here] and discounted food and beverages. Seriously, how can you pass that up? It’s the perfect excuse to throw on some sweatpants and spend a chill night with your best friends in the HUB (and save some money, too).

Whether you’re looking for something to do after hours in Happy Valley or you just feel like gorging on favorite foods with friends, Late Night is a Penn State student’s dream come true.

Late Night: Just one more reason we adore PSU.

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