A Mustard and Pickle Day

Photo from Pinterest.com

You’re probably thinking, what in the world is a mustard and pickle day? I had the same thought my first day of student teaching. How could mustard and pickles possibly go together?

It was during center time when my teacher pulled up a slide that read mustard (must do) and pickles (you pick) in bright yellow and green letters. A lightbulb went off in my head, “What a great idea, I thought.” Students must do certain classwork before they can pick an activity to enjoy after. Although this is centered around second graders, it can totally apply to good ‘ole college students.

Humans tend to have a “do it all” mindset, even when our action items aren’t entirely pressing matters. The trouble lies when they’re subconsciously labeled as “I must do this right now or else!” It can be a trivial route to take when every little thing you need to do becomes fabricated as urgent.

The Way It Works
Graphic from Canva.com

Sorry for the elementary organizer, but sometimes we have to take it back to the basics. This can be changed to fit your own aesthetic of course. At heart, we are all still second graders. Okay, maybe not entirely, but we can certainly benefit from the same reward system that follows in my elementary classroom.

To create a proper mustard and pickle list, first write down what things you have to get done. This doesn’t mean reorganizing your entire room, but tasks that urgently need to be completed. When you complete your list of items that are on the mustard side (must-do), you are granted something to choose on the pickle side (you pick)! Whether that’s watching an episode of your favorite new show or treating yourself to coffee. It may seem foolish but positive reinforcement does work (I can attest after long school days with seven and eight-year-olds).

Anatomy of a Mustard and Pickle Day
Photo from Pinterest.com

Perfection is so last year. With that being said, a mustard and pickle day is no ordinary day, it mixes business with pleasure. I try not to make my long days worse than they already are. It’s important to not just live for the weekend and dread your weekdays. Learning how to make the most of your days is no less crucial than your average Tuesday.

I usually aim for a ratio of 75:35 between my mustards and pickles. This allows for more of a balance within my weeks. As I go through my day, I make sure to pause and choose a “you pick” after finishing a good portion of my “must-dos.” If you don’t add pockets of peace to your days, you’re left with constant yearnings for bigger things rather than focusing on the simple pleasures of life.

How will you create the perfect mustard and pickle day? Let us know by tweeting us @VALLEYmag on X!


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