Are Tiny Bags Finally Out?

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Today, VALLEY is here to share some unfortunate, yet timely news: it may be time to put your tiny handbag to rest in an equally tiny grave. In the recent Winter addition of Vogue, a shocking photo caption declared the end of the tiny bag trend, which popularized bite-sized accessories like Jacquemus’s mini-sized Le Chiquito. Now, farmer’s market-style totes have risen to favor, such as Prada’s version in antique nappa leather, which has leapt straight from the runway and into the public’s hearts. VALLEY is here to comment on this phenomenon and list potential reasons for fashion’s latest ultimatum.

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Tiny Bags: A Villain Origin Story

We believe the tiny bag trend’s roots are grounded in quarantine-induced fashion boredom. As the pandemic robbed style icons from around the world of reasons to leave their homes in an eye-catching ensemble, many patiently awaited the return of glamour in their lives. Once COVID-19 restrictions eased to the point of allowing us to “go out” again, many fashion lovers reached for the most dramatic (and sometimes impractical) looks in an effort to make up for lost time.

Thus, the tiny handbag discovered its brand new niche in delivering trend followers around the world a medium to reclaim their stylishness. In a way, this gaudy symbol was a statement that the world was on its way to reverting to the way it was.

Justice, Order and Actually Carrying Your Things
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However, this fashion free-for-all wouldn’t last forever. A reaction to a worldwide lifestyle change, it only makes sense that fashion trends would ground themselves once again as society did the same.

As the trend cycle played its catchup game, practicality in fashion was thrown to the wayside as consumers sought nothing more than to mark their triumphant returns to the nightlife scene by striking a pose in something that had never been seen before. The tiny handbag symbolizes this style anarchy by doing away with a handbag’s purpose: carrying your stuff.

To the dismay of many fashion connoisseurs, this party wouldn’t last forever. As the excitement of life somewhat returning to normal faded away as years went by, the favor for logic-defying accessories did as well. We theorize this may be the reason that petit purses have recently been outdone by purposeful styles suited for all occasions, from grocery shopping to an afternoon picnic.

Why do you think tiny bags are on their way out? Let us know by tweeting us @VALLEYmag.


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