Portion Sizes

Portion Sizes


With summer quickly approaching, crash diets may seem like the perfect way to get your best bikini bod before beach season. As tempting as these may be, however, they actually have many negative effects on your body.

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Digital Deals

Digital Deals


Black Friday sales have come and gone, but Christmas is quickly approaching and there are still many presents to be bought. As busy college students, we don’t have the time or money to spend on over priced Christmas gifts. Buying gifts can be tedious and very time consuming, and with finals season right around the corner, buying presents needs to be as quick and time efficient as possible.

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Lip Balm Battles

Lip Balm Battles


With winter on its way, dried, chapped lips are inevitable. Lip balms are a great way to keep your lips moist and beautiful during the harsh winter months. However, there are many misconceptions about lip balms that should be cleared up before the weather turns cold.

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