Call to Action: The KDR Scandal


It’s time to get loud, Penn State. Louder than we’ve ever been at the Pegula Ice Arena or Beaver Stadium, louder than anyone can fathom. This time around, we need to raise our voices and take a stand against Kappa Delta Rho’s actions and support our fellow Nittany Lions that were so terribly abused and exploited.

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Small Things, Great Love FTK


Small Things, Great Love is a fashion and accessories organization dedicated to combining style and charity into one cohesive unit. With THON serving as her first charity, founder Erin Gillespie is tapping into her alumni roots to give back to a cause that has directly influenced her.

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What Your Holiday Makeup Says About You


For some, the holidays are a time of endless food, quality family time and the gift of giving. For others, the holidays also serve as a fabulous excuse to show off some prime makeup skills. But no holiday routine is created equal. Your go-to look makes the statement of the season, but what is it actually saying? Check out the festive, seasonal looks below, and find out what your holiday makeup really says about you.

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Do Something That Scares You

Do Something That Scares You


Ever since I came to Penn State (a mere year and a half ago), I’ve come to be a bit of an adventurer. I moved across the country for college just because I wanted a change of environment. For my 19th birthday, I went skydiving. I’ve given my phone number to an attractive Chris Hemsworth look-a-like on a flight home from Pittsburgh. I’m saving up for a volunteer trip to Taiwan. I desperately want to take acrobat lessons. In November, I wandered New York City by myself for the first time.

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