Dining with D’Amico: Chicken and Veggie Wrap

Dining with D’Amico: Chicken and Veggie Wrap


One of the toughest parts of winter is trying not to forget all of our healthy eating habits that we work so hard to maintain in the warmer months. I wanted to make sure that I’m still eating a colorful diet and not going too heavy on carbs or cheese (my weaknesses) so I came up with this wrap recently. Its super filling, not too heavy, and is easy to assemble.

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Timberland Boots

Timberland Boots


Lately, not being basic has been everyone’s main concern. We all know the classic traits of the basic Penn State girl are, and it’s been mocked endlessly. But we cannot forget that Penn State boys are just as likely to exhibit those basic boy traits too. One of those trends that we love to see when the weather gets colder is Timberland Boots.

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Haunted Houses: Behind the Screams

Haunted Houses: Behind the Screams


One of the greatest traditions of the Halloween season is visiting haunted houses, tapping into your fear, and having a great night with some friends. When I was in high school I was lucky enough to have an awesome seasonal job. I got to be an actor in a haunted house. While I worked there I had some of the best times of my life because I got to see people from all walks of life react differently to the fear they experienced in the haunted house.

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