Breakup With Your Ugly Boyfriend

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We know what you’re probably thinking. Harsh title right? Wrong.

Let us elaborate. Breakup with your ugly boyfriend. How you interpret the word ugly is fully within your creative control, but nonetheless breakup with your ugly boyfriend.

It’ll be worth it, we promise. 

Define “Ugly”

In VALLEY’s connotation of the word ugly, we are referring more to the man’s inner being rather than physical appearance. It is too often in today’s society that lovely and kind-hearted women are being subjected to angry and disrespectful men. 

Think back on your friends, your family, friends of friends or even yourself. Chances are you can name at least one relationship, either present or past, that falls into the “oh my god…HOW is she with him?” category. 

Think of those men. The ones who tempers are a little too short. The ones who scream a bit too loud at the television when their favorite team loses the game. The ones who care way too much about what their girlfriend chooses to wear on GNO. The ones who you can’t help but roll your eyes at when they begin speaking politics in front of mixed company. Yeah. This is the type VALLEY is referring to when we think of an “ugly boyfriend”, but again, utilize this advice however one sees fit. 

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You Deserve Better

It may be a cliché and the idea probably doesn’t fully resonate just because you’re reading it on your screen right now. Although, you do deserve better. 

Someone’s choice in a partner is a direct reflection of who they are as a person. While you may not be the one sending the nasty text messages to their mother or not greeting your friends when arriving at the party, you’re still with someone who is in fact doing those things. By staying with them, you enable their behavior. In private, you may try your hardest to fix their actions, to change them. But in public you are standing by their side, stating that you two are a package deal, a like minded duo. 

How is this fair to you and your morality? The short answer: it isn’t. The longer answer is that you deserve to be with someone who makes the active choice everyday to be as good as you are. There’s no justification in the world, no amount of “I’ll do better”, no amount of “I’ll try harder next time” that can reason a person into staying with someone who is not morally aligned with them. 

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Yes, It’s Easier Said Than Done

Now before you come at us with the “it’s not that simple!!!”, trust in believing that we know. We know the idea of walking away can be so much more enticing than the act of doing it. We know that if you do, you then have to face the aftermath of having lost a relationship. That part is never fun. 

Your ugly boyfriend must have flaws, most likely enough of them that you’re considering leaving, but we understand and sympathize with how there was once good there, too. Heck, you wouldn’t have even looked at the guy twice to begin with had he not seemed to have some redeeming quality. 

Those moments of good, the glimmers of hope that something can change are the factors that keep someone stagnant in a pattern that is no longer serving them. But they are just that, moments and glimmers. They are not the rule, they are the exception to your reality. They can be the dealbreaker between a new era of growth or the continued cycle of tears into your pillow. 

We urge you to read, then maybe re-read that paragraph, to understand and fully digest just what we’re trying to get across here.

As painful as leaving something that you once loved so much can be, that pain is temporary. The real pain comes from continuing to stay in a place that is beneath you.

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So, the choice is now yours. VALLEY can only hope and pray that these ugly current boyfriends turn into ugly ex-boyfriends real soon. Need any more advice? Reach out to us on X by tagging us @VALLEYmag


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