Remember that one happy memory you have? Your high school graduation? Or that trip you took in the summer with your friends? It may seem hard to remember all of the beautiful details now, but that’s what cameras were made for.
There was once a time in the YouTube community when everyone’s favorite genre was vlogging. The most mundane tasks being turned into a fun, colorful five-minute video seemed so simple yet so entertaining.
What is Vlogging?
The definition of “vlogging” is basically “video blogging,” to post short videos of someone’s life. This type of video style became popular on YouTube around the 2010s and grew significantly due to the influence of Emma Chamberlain.

Emma Chamberlain
Most are very familiar with who Emma Chamberlain is. Owning a nationwide coffee brand, collaborating with multiple fashion companies and attending Paris Fashion Week have been only a few of her accomplishments so far.
Chamberlain has turned into one of the most notable figures of this generation. But many have been a fan of hers when she was seventeen, vlogging her daily life on YouTube as a high school student. Since then, Chamberlain has grown her platform immensely.
From YouTube to TikTok
As time passed and TikTok began to become more popular, the vlogging era on YouTube never died but shifted into a new genre: “day in the life” videos. Users of all ages have begun posting vlogs in a 30-second interval all over the platform.
It’s no secret that TikTok encourages a short attention span in consuming media; this might be the reason vlogging has become more popular on TikTok rather than YouTube. Why watch a 10-minute video of someone driving around when you can watch it in less than a minute?
Anyone Can Vlog
What’s made vlogging so appealing in recent times is that anyone can pick up a camera and film their day. You don’t need to be skilled in anything or have an insane talent for editing and cinematography. VALLEY believes that all you need to vlog is some type of camera (digital, iPhone, etc.) and a desire to show your life.

The Fun in Vlogging
As simple as vlogging can be, it actually can be used as a therapeutic activity. When you’re trekking through the days of balancing work, school and social life, it can seem mundane and repetitive.
Going to the gym? Vlog your walk on the treadmill. Running errands with your friends? Get coffee and rant about random things on video. Studying for your exam? Vlog your breaks in between.

Vlogging helps showcase these boring tasks as fun, bringing something to look forward to in your daily routine. Is there anything this week you could vlog? Make sure to tag @VALLEYmag on Instagram in your daily vlog!