“What are we?”: The dreaded question no one wants to ask or answer. Nothing is worse than not knowing what you and your partner are — or knowing that there is something there, but not having a label and not knowing how to put a label on it.
The Situationship
Google’s definition of a situationship is “a romantic, or sexual relationship that is not considered to be formal or established.” Situationships are likely to happen when you know there are feelings between you and someone, but none of you acknowledge the feelings, or even acknowledge what is happening between you two.
Situationships occur when two people want to be together but don’t want to label their relationship.
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Being in a Situationship
Being in a situationship is not a bad thing, if that is what you want in your life. It allows one to have a mental and physical connection with someone, without being committed to just one person. Having no label ensures you don’t owe anyone an explanation.
You will experience pressure to tell your partner where you are, what you are doing and what time you will come home. Skip that when you’re in a situationship because you don’t owe anyone an explanation.
However, this can be a bad thing as well. Not being committed to one person means this partner is not committed to just you either. You are not able to get upset or angry with your partner if they are seeing another person, or even flirting with another person.

Caught in the Middle
Going from a situationship into a relationship creates a lot of tension and emotions. It is hard to understand how to act, or even understand how to treat your partner. The awkward conversation when finally putting a label on it is tough. It creates this unknown feeling of whether or not you are actually in a relationship, or if the conversation was just a hoax.
Despite the mixed signals and confusion, you may be used to in your situations, it’s entirely possible to push it to become the real thing If you make a point of communicating about where you are right now and where you want to be in the future, your lives can certainly start heading in that direction.
Transitioning from a situationship to a committed relationship requires intentional steps and open, honest communication. It is important to respect the other person’s pace and decisions; they might not be ready for a committed relationship and that’s valid. The key lies in transparent communication, mutual understanding and a shared willingness to invest in the relationship’s growth.
Making it official

Making it finally official is probably one of the most awkward conversations one could have with their partner. Finally confirming the “you’re my boyfriend/girlfriend” just leaves a feeling of confusion, with a mix of happiness.
Making it official can be stressful. It’s not always easy to know when you’re ready to focus on a relationship with someone you’re still learning about. The thing is, people tend to overcomplicate the process by excessively stressing or trying to plan the moment when you can drop the relationship bomb in the perfect way.
Ultimately, when deciding to turn your situationship into a relationship you have to conclude that you are ready to set your focus solely on one person and they are to commit to you. You have to come to terms with yourself and what you want for your future. It’s all about the self-worth.
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