College Dating Disasters

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The college dating scene can be turbulent, to say the least. Dating is all about trial-and-error — trying to find the right person means having to filter through an array of people. I mean, you don’t buy an ice cream without trying a couple of samples, right? Though balancing multiple people can create some complications. You don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket, but those eggs are somehow determined to roll into each other, leading to some horrifically embarrassing dating stories. But don’t worry — we’ve all been there, done that. VALLEY is here to make you feel better with our top worst dating experiences.

Hinge Horror Story

What you have done can’t be worse than this: Imagine watching Cars with a man — obviously the most romantic film. His arm is around you, a smile on his face. You are about to lean in to kiss him when your phone buzzes. You both look down to see a Hinge notification. Some guy, whose name is probably John or Chad, writes, “So when are we gonna link?” Great. Just great. Panic settles in as you both awkwardly look up at each other. Lightning McQueen is kachow-ing in the background.

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Mystery Flowers Fiasco

What you have done can’t be worse than this: Imagine waking up late — you are running out of your apartment in a hurry, but when you throw the door open, an extravagant bouquet of flowers sits in the hallway. A note that has nothing more than just, “For [insert your name]” is tucked neatly between petals. Aw, your day is made. You put the flowers inside and continue your rush. You quickly send a text message to the guy you went out with last night, “Thank you for the flowers! That was so sweet :)” only to get a response saying, “What are you talking about?” Great. Just great. Wrong guy. Consequently, he stops talking to you. But hey, men are like buses — when one leaves, another will come around in five minutes.

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Exposed by Roommate

What you have done can’t be worse than this: Imagine you finally muster up the courage to invite your class crush over for a study date. Conversation is flowing, your textbooks sit untouched. He says he wishes you asked him out sooner. While working on the class project, your roommate walks into the living room. Her inability to read the room is evident when she says, “I’m going to sleep at my boyfriend’s tonight, so you can have the room for you and your mans tonight.” Are you actually kidding me right now?

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Frat House Walk of Shame

What you have done can’t be worse than this: Imagine waking up with the Sunday scaries. You’re in a frat house — a man lies next to you. Your makeup is smudged and your clothes are missing. You had a little too much fun last night. You don’t want to deal with the awkward morning small talk conversation. You quickly get dressed, throwing on your skirt and top from the night before, ready to brave the cold weather. On your way out of the room, you shut the door ever so slowly, being sure not to make a peep. When you turn around, the daunting realization hits you when you see the guy you’ve been going out to dinner with. This is his frat.

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College Dating Survival Guide

Dating in college is not for the faint of heart — but at least you’re not alone. If these stories prove anything, it’s that everyone is just trying their best… and sometimes, your best ends with your roommate publicly announcing your hookup plans or a Hinge notification at the absolute worst time. So, dust yourself off, laugh it off, and remember — it’s all just part of the plot.

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First Love Theory


That Gray Area: Physical and Emotional Relationships

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