Did Spring Breakers Break Miami Beach?

photo posted by BusinessInsider.com

Well it’s officially been a year since the COVID-19 lockdown started and spring breakers decided to head over to Miami. This was no “normal” weekend in Miami, though. Last week, students in Miami went crazy creating chaotic scenes like the picture above and the ones attached below.

Photo by Joe Raedle – Getty Images

There have been articles all over the news and social media regarding the thousands of people taking over Miami beach. No masks and no social distancing are commonly cited, along with spring breakers leaving the beaches trashed with garbage, getting arrested and much more. Since December, Miami Beach implemented a curfew until 12 a.m. but since this spring break, Miami has changed its curfew to 8 p.m. until April 12.

Did these spring breakers take it too far? Let’s dive in.

Tweet posted by @martindvassolo

With the high risk of contracting COVID-19 due to the rules that were clearly not followed, these crowds also caused harm to the citizens who reside in Miami with the violence and vandalism that occurred. One of the nights during this spring break, someone had shot a weapon in the air causing a riot leaving people running through the streets of Miami for safety.

Photo from Sun-Sentinel.com

“More than 1,000 people have been arrested in Miami Beach since February 3 as spring break travelers have come to the city, Aguila, the city manager, said at an emergency commission meeting Sunday. Of those arrests, more than 350 have been felony arrests, he said” (Melissa Alonso, CNN).

Tweet posted by @JanineStanwood

Police SWAT teams tried clearing out the streets when the curfew got put in place, but it was not until hours later that they were finally able to get people out. They fired pepper balls into these large crowds as well as arrested many people.

Mayor of Miami Beach said, “We are hoping this passes very soon, and we’re sending the message out that this isn’t the place to party hard right now.”

Although Penn State is not giving out a Spring Break this year, if you and your friends are still going to be traveling, remember to be careful and stay safe. Tweet us @ VALLEY mag with your thoughts.



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