While our society continues to revolve around social media, influencers are becoming more and more popular every day. Promotions and discounts for any type of brand are constantly advertised on our feeds. Others stick more to an aesthetic or lifestyle to keep. However, most of the popular influencers are white, skinny women. Here is VALLEY’s list of popular (and some up-and-coming) influencers of color to follow on Instagram.

@candacemread on Instagram
Candace (pictured on the right) is a stylist and style influencer based in the state of Ohio. Her self-described “Parisian-style” fills her colorful page. Don’t miss out on her creative Mocktail Monday recipes either!

@curlysu91 on Instagram
Curlysu is a Youtuber focused on everything curly hair. They are committed to spreading inspiration and positivity on their platforms, especially for black women. Aside from their channel, they are also a research and development scientist.

@twentysomethingplus on Instagram
Bethany is a Boston-based blogger with a versatile platform. House, beauty, fashion, photography and travel inspiration fills her page. What more could you ask for?

@ariannaaaajones on Instagram
Arianna is a stylist-turned-artist incorporating small rocks and gold accents into her pieces. Traveling between France and Texas, her page is filled with wonderful earth-tones and lovely scenery.

@sammyhuynn on Instagram
Sammy is all about sustainability and conscious fashion. Her Instagram page is full of beautiful pictures of her adventures around Toronto, all with the classy black, white and and tan aesthetic we love.

@syl.img on Instagram
Based in Dallas, @syl.img is a Latina blogger with something for everyone. Her page has fashion, beauty, skincare and lifestyle content with genuine recommendations. Plus, she gives great wine reviews!

@sabrinamolu on Instagram
Simply Sabrina is a blogger and digital creator from Atlanta. Her blog has everything, including Amazon favorites, advice columns and weekly giveaways. She’s even on TikTok: @simplybeautyhacks.

@natty.k.jern on Instagram
Natalie’s page may not have a huge following, but her content more than makes up for that. She posts beautiful fashion and jewelry pieces every day, showing off her versatile taste in both classic and eclectic trends. This page is definitely on the rise.
Follow @VALLEYmag on Instagram and Twitter and let us know your favorite influencers of color.