Does distance really make the heart grow fonder?

There’s an age-old saying that goes, “Distance makes the heart grow fonder,” but does it really hold true? Moving away from the people you love is never easy, especially when those people are your other half, your support system, or more simply, your best friends. Being apart from the people you once spent every day with can be incredibly difficult—especially when hardships arise, whether they involve you or them.

Navigating a Long-Distance Friendship

It’s inevitable that when you’re away from those you love, either you or them will face some kind of hardship. When a friend is going through a tough time, all you want to do is be there for them, to offer comfort and support. But how can you help when you’re hundreds—or even thousands—of miles away?

In moments like these, it can be easy to feel helpless, as if there’s nothing you can do. This is where technology becomes your lifeline. Sending a simple text to let them know you’re thinking of them can mean a lot. If possible, carving out time for a FaceTime call, where you can see each other’s faces and hear each other’s voices can offer even greater comfort and can make you feel closer than you are.

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Staying Close While Being Far Away

Going back to the role of technology, it’s one of the best ways to maintain closeness with your friends. In today’s world, we’re lucky to have technology on our side. We no longer have to rely on sending letters and anxiously waiting for a response in the mail—we can simply send a text and receive a reply within seconds. Staying in touch is essential, whether it’s updating each other on your day, or winding down at night with a call to debrief about everything that happened during the day. Staying connected in this way creates the illusion that you’re closer than you actually are. It provides the comfort of knowing that you’re both involved in each other’s lives, even without seeing each other face-to-face every day.

This then leads to the concept of quality over quantity. As we grow up and move away for school, jobs, or other opportunities, both parties are understandably busy. But despite all of that, staying connected is crucial to maintaining a strong bond from afar. If you can’t always text or chat throughout the day, carving out time for a meaningful conversation can prove to be even more valuable than sending smaller messages throughout the day.

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Threats of Long Distance

While technology plays a major role in maintaining connections from afar, it also comes with its challenges. One of the biggest complications is miscommunication. When communicating over the phone or through text, you lose the sense of body language and tone of voice, making it easy to misinterpret what the other person is trying to say. This can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, or even arguments. That’s why it’s so important to address any feelings of hurt or anger and talk things through, ensuring that the issue is resolved before it escalates into something more.

Another challenge of long-distance friendships is the reality that some friends may not make it through the distance. Being far apart can cause friendships to fade, especially those that were not strong enough to endure the separation. However, strong friendships—those that were crafted with mutual care and trust—can withstand almost anything. The friends who truly care will make the effort to stay in touch, even if it’s just an occasional check-in.

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