Two people lock eyes in a crowded room, and the world falls away. Alone now, their locked gaze communicates more than words ever could. They are united. The simple act of making eye contact, something so mundane we do without thinking, holds the power of human connection.
No two eyes are the same, each holds an individual’s unique mix of genetics and life experience. Meeting one’s gaze is the most banal act of communication, yet sometimes speaks more than actual words.
Have the confidence to hold someone’s gaze and you can spark intimacy in banal conversation. Apt attention is a valued resource today, when presented, people take notice.
Especially since eye contact is so uncomfortable.

Do you remember locking eyes with someone down a long hallway? Do you remember pretending not to see them and faking a reaction once you’re within a comfortable distance? Not the best, right?
Eye contact makes us aware of individuals’ unique perspectives and judgments, increasing feelings of self-consciousness and alienation. Perfect the art of locking eyes, and these negative emotions will ease up. Researchers say to simply stare for three seconds or so, before breaking the gaze by looking somewhere else on the face or making a gesture like a nod. This results in sustained eye contact for 50 to 70 percent of the conversation, great stats for a society averaging 30 to 60 percent.
Now that we know the recipe for a perfect stare, let’s use it to our advantage.

Ogling Opportunity
Good business leaders are good communicators, and good communicators have good eye contact. This form of nonverbal communication engages listeners through conveyed sincerity. So at your next job interview, utilize a good gaze to boost your success. Eye contact is proven to improve our working memory and we correlate eye contact with intelligence; who wouldn’t hire a good looker?
Love at First Sight

This hard-to-believe phenomenon is scientifically proven; prolonged eye contact releases phenylethylamine, the chemical responsible for attraction. Although, the next time you fall in love with the only guy your age at the airport, use this as a reminder that love doesn’t happen in an instant.
As a tried and true flirtation, eye contact is a natural turn-on. The bat of a lash grants wishes like a genie and entices like Eve’s apple. Researchers found that “Two minutes of intense eye contact between strangers increased their sense of attraction and affection.” By establishing feelings of trust and empathy, eye contact fosters connection in loud rooms and across crowded spaces, crossing otherwise distant paths.
Share a picture when your eyes were shining with VALLEY on Instagram @valleymag.