Fashion Comes Back…Which Means the 2010s are Next.

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As most people know, fashion recycles. After decades of avoiding their mom’s closets, young girls start looking through old racks to find their mother’s low rise jeans and bell bottoms. This is because Pinterest has recently declared them back in style. With each new year, the fashion trends from previous generations seem to make comebacks. Fashion moves in a cyclical motion that we can’t seem to avoid, but we can embrace it with a new touch. Specifically, one that learned from our fashion fails from the past and are prepared to give the time period a second chance.

In the last few years, we’ve moved from the iconic 90s leather jacket with a brown lip liner to the bright and girly colors of the early 2000s. Fashion icons like Julia Roberts, with full blowouts and classic slip dresses, covered fashion boards.

After a year or two of this, we swiftly moved into pop fashion classics, like Britney Spears’s low rise jean empire and Lizzie McGuire’s girlish flare. Now, we are seemingly in a lull, waiting for the next fashion rebrand to take over and guide us into our next style era. 

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Lizzie McGuire, 2000’s fashion icon

As we patiently wait for the next generational fashion trends to make their debut, we must ask ourselves: what’s next? After the 90s and the 2000s made their comeback, we are left with the next decade on the timeline: our dear friend, the 2010s. 

That’s right, baby! I know you readers are probably feeling very scared right now and that makes sense. The 2010s were a time when the mustache finger tattoo reigned supreme and Claire’s earrings took hold of our bank accounts with force. However, as with all generational fashion reboots, not every piece of the 2010s will carry its way into the revival.

With the new obsession of being a clean girl, it’s doubtful that the fashion comeback will include mustaches or ugly earrings. Instead, the reboot shall include the glitz and glamor of 2010s styles we have not completely forgotten about–some of which are already seeing a renewal. The 2010s were a time filled with cheetah print and Uggs, both of which have seen a complete rebrand within recent years. 

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Snooki in cheetah print

The 2010s comeback, whenever she may fully arrive, will include fan favorites from that fantastic period in history: big sunglasses, tight dresses and poofed hair, with the miniest skirts on planet earth. The revival of the era will give the clean girls a reason to relax and have a little more fun with style as a creative outlet, not just a way to feel like everything is under control. The 2010s were glamorous because they were most certainly out of control. It was a time of partying and posting too much on social media. 

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JWOW’s summer statement short shorts and hot pink glamor.

So, start drinking your liquid IVs girls! The 2010’s are coming back and you better be ready to keep up!

What are your thoughts on this fashion revival? Let VALLEY know by tweeting @VALLEYmag on X!


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