Feeling “Good As Hell”: Lizzo’s Journey To a Healthier Self

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The queen of the pop industry, Lizzo, thought it was “About Damn Time.” This singer-songwriter put down the microphone and picked up some weights.

Why The Change?

Lizzo has tried her best to keep her transformation private, as she believed her body was nobody’s business. She did however take to Instagram a few times to give fans an update on her seeming disappearance. Each picture she has posted relating to her self-health journey have all been captioned similarly, with a positive and motivating vibe attached to each photo and video. She is letting the world know that she is doing this to better both her life and her mental health. She has also mentioned that improving her health would help to gain more stamina when performing.

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LizzOzempic Rumors

Celebrities cannot do anything without fan backlash, so of course, when Lizzo decided to make a change for herself (and herself only) she got accused of using the miracle weight loss drug: Ozempic. This body positive queen did not let that slide. She took to Instagram, posting videos of her working out in the gym, and even revealed her personal celebrity trainer, Corey Calliet. When the allegations did not subside, Lizzo was forced to talk about her process of weight loss to justify her transformation. The rumors eventually died down when Lizzo came out and stated she did not care about being skinny, just healthy.

I think a lot of people see a fat person that way and immediately just assume everything they’re doing is to be thin. I’m not trying to be thin.

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Japanese Diet

One aspect of Lizzo’s weight loss journey that she gives a lot of credit to is the Japanese diet. This diet is known to be one of the healthiest diets in the world. Lizzo was introduced to the Japanese diet when she visited Japan. She immediately fell in love with it, stating:

I was in awe at how clean and delicious the food was… I was amazed at how good my body felt.

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Taking A Page Out of Lizzo’s Book

Lizzo has gone on multiple different platforms stating that it doesn’t matter what other people think of you, your process is your own and you must be comfortable in it.

I’m not going to judge you. Do what’s best for you, in your life, at that moment. All that matters is that you’re happy.

We should all take a cue from Lizzo. Instead of trying to lose weight or fit into societal standards, we should focus on fueling our body and self-esteem; do what makes us feel good and then the rest will come.

What do you think about Lizzo’s new health-oriented lifestyle? Tweet us @VALLEYmag on X!

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