Feng-Shui Your Space

What if I told you that refreshing your college life was as simple and easy as moving a few pieces of furniture around? Well, according to Feng-Shui (pronounced “Fung-Shway”), it is that simple and easy. Your surroundings affect your comfort, but they also affect your physical and mental health. In turn, this affects how you succeed in your personal life. Those of us, like myself, who practice Feng Shui, believe in positioning our surroundings to harmonize with the natural flow of energy (chi [or Qi]) in the space. In Feng Shui, all objects possess chi. Feng means wind and shui means water, which are both associated with health and living. Of course, we all want to have good health and a good life, which is why it’s so important to have good Feng Shui! Here are a few tips that can help you create the best possible Feng Shui in your dorm or bedroom:

1. Bed placement

One of the most important parts of Feng Shui is the positioning of your bed. College living quarts are usually tight, but you can try your best to follow this Feng Shui tip; Position your bed as far away from the bedroom door as possible. This allows you to keep an eye on the room’s entrance while you rest, without disrupting natural chi. An example of unhealthy chi would be placing your bed in direct alignment with the bedroom door, because too much energy will flow towards you, disrupting your sleep. Also, try not to place your bed directly under windows, as bad energy can come through them.

2. Mirrors

Always avoid placing any mirrors facing your bed. This second tip is a little easier to follow, since a mirror is more moveable. If you have a mirror across from your bed and can’t move it, you can try covering it with a fabric when you sleep. When mirrors are left exposed, they are thought to disturb sleep because of their energetic nature and ability to reflect bad chi onto you.

3. Color Scheme

Color scheme is really important in Feng Shui, because it provides balance and serenity in your room. If you’re looking to make your room more passionate and romantic, try Feng Shui Fire element colors such as red, orange, purple, pink, and strong yellow. Earth tones, such as light yellow, beige, and brown, create stability and protection, and are part of the Feng Shui Earth element. For clarity and precision, use Feng Shui Metal element colors like gray and white. And on the contrary, you can use soft pastel colors (light blue, light pink, light green) to add serenity and peace of mind to your room.

4. Clutter

The absolute biggest (and most challenging) part of Feng Shui is to reduce clutter. It’s really hard to do this in college, especially if you have roommates who aren’t so compliant with your cleanliness. But, it doesn’t hurt to try! Keep your room as spare and simple as possible. Get rid of any extra papers, trash, trinkets, useless gifts, or anything you don’t really need in there. The less “stuff” you have in your bedroom, the easier it will be to find balance.

Feng Shui provides a perfect flow of nourishing and sensual energy. Though it’s sometimes difficult to follow, you can try Feng Shui in every part of your life. You can even dress with Feng Shui! Harmony comes from everywhere, and having an open mind in a balanced space is a great place to start!


For even more Feng Shui tips, visit http://www.hgtv.com/design/rooms/bedrooms/feng-shui-your-bedroom!


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