College is such an exciting time in your life. You are having an amazing time making new friends and approaching new opportunities. Life starts to become hectic, but you’ll be fine because you’re enjoying this new era in your life. Then, you slowly begin to feel different. You feel lethargic and burnt out. Then, laziness takes over. Nobody wants to be lazy, but we don’t know how it happens—it just happens!
Causes of Being Lazy

Many factors come into play when you realize why laziness is taking over. Having a heavy workload can be very challenging. If you have a part-time job on top of all your classes, it can be challenging to keep up with all your assignments.
If you are taking classes that don’t align with your interests, you might not feel as motivated to pay attention and take them seriously. This can lead to procrastination and falling behind in classes. Having good time management is important because you have to find a way to balance your social life with your studies.

When you are studying, distractions can make you lose focus and have no desire to study. Our own devices that some of us use to study can be a distraction. Once you become disengaged in your work, you may feel too lazy to keep studying.
Your environment can also play a huge part in losing motivation. Living in a dorm can be challenging because it is a cramped space where you can choose to study or to lay in bed and rot away. If you have a roommate who likes to stay in bed most of the day, it can influence you, especially if you are close friends with your roommate.
Break the Cycle
Once you are in the lazy mindset, it can be tough to be free from it. Learning to take initiative can help you break free from the laziness. Write down tasks or goals that you want to complete for the day on your phone or a sticky note. It is better to start with small goals and then slowly move to larger goals. Seeing what you can do in a day can help you manage your time because you will know how much you are capable of completing.

After class, you might feel tempted to head back to your room, crawl back into your warm, cozy bed and take a nap. Do not do this. When you are in your room, you start to feel so comfortable that you don’t want to leave. After class, pick somewhere for a quick study session, go get food with friends or exercise in the gym.
It is good to have hobbies in college because doing something you enjoy can help manage your stress from classes and exams. Hobbies are a good distraction and can fill more of your time.
Let us know any other tips for breaking out of the laziness cycle by tagging us @VALLEYmag on X!
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