In a society so heavily dependent on relationships, it is easy to overwhelm yourself by feeding into the relationships with others, instead of your relationship with yourself.
Taking the time to take care of the relationship with yourself is one of the most important things a person can do— and often something that is overlooked.
The idea of “filling your own cup” comes from the idea that you cannot fill another person’s cup unless yours is already full. In other words, you cannot pour all your efforts into relationships with others, when you have not established a healthy relationship with yourself.
Practicing Self Care
Self care is not as simple as putting on a face mask and winding down with some Netflix. True self care is a daily practice— one that is often done without noticing.
The practice of understanding your emotions is one of the best ways to take care of yourself. Sitting with your emotions and understanding them, instead of trying to ignore them, will help create emotional intelligence and help teach you how to deal with emotions better– a key aspect to self care.
Maintaining physical health is an essential step in self care. Whether it is going to the gym or going on walks, exercise is a great way to prioritize your physical health. Meditation, manifestation and simply taking time to unwind by yourself is a great way to connect with yourself.
Another great way to fill your cup is by simply being kind to yourself. Forgive yourself and learn from the mistakes you make instead of beating yourself up. Give yourself a compliment when you look in the mirror next. Even just taking a moment to breathe when you are overwhelmed with school work is putting in efforts to take care of yourself.

The Impact on Others
Taking time to take care of yourself can also have a positive impact on others. Naturally, someone who is stressed out and overwhelmed will be more moody around others. But a person who is in touch with her emotions and takes time to take care of themself will be more in touch with their emotions overall.
The practice of self care can also be taught to your friends. Consider yourself a role model if you are able to take care of yourself and prioritize your well being. Use this as a tool to help others!

Give Others the “Overflow”
Filling your own cup is important to maintain a happy and healthy relationship with yourself. The same way passengers on an airplane are told to put their own mask on before they put on others, it is necessary to fill your own cup and give others the overflow. Do not pour all your energy into outside relationships if you cannot put any effort into the most important relationship: the one with yourself.
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