Find Your Study Buddy Soulmate

SabineC.StudyBuddyWhile walking into a lecture hall in Thomas isn’t as intimidating after the first time, attending huge classes without any friends will never be fun, especially when it isn’t easy-A material. Instead of sending a mass e-mail whenever you miss a class, find a study buddy who you can help – and who can help you.

Read their body language

Someone who has their headphones in until class starts or sits in the aisle seat probably doesn’t want to be social.

Look for a planner

If someone has their planner out jotting down the assignments, chances are they’re organized (or at least trying to be).

Ask a simple question

If you think someone seems approachable, at the beginning or end of class, ask them something that you already know the answer to, such as, “Is the homework due on Mondays or Fridays?” If they answer nicely (and correctly), move onto the next step.

Get their contact info

You don’t have to become best friends; just get through the class together. If you feel awkward asking for a phone number, get their email instead.

Remember to sit next to them again!

Don’t just see them once and then skip classes and get assignments – how would you feel if you were in their shoes? Continue to sit next to them and make small talk to avoid awkwardness. And remember, when you miss class, return the favor of note-giving.

Photo by Sabine Clermont


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