Chipotle is hands down the chips and guac champion of State College. Despite numerous Mexican restaurants opening over the years, nothing can draw the students away. Even after a recent E Coli outbreak caused store closings in Washington and Oregon, people continue to flock to Heister Street daily to satisfy their burrito bowl cravings. So, we thought it was time to pay tribute to the Mexican grill madness with the cast of The Office.
1. When your friends ask you if you want to get Chipotle for lunch
2. When you text your friends to see if they want to get Chipotle, but they never respond
3.When someone asks, “Didn’t you just have Chipotle yesterday?” and you have to lie
4.When you know that E Coli is bad, but you love Chipotle too much to stop going
5.When you’re lazy, but Chipotle doesn’t deliver so you end up going in your pajamas
6.When you get there and look through the front doors to see how long the line is
7.When the line runs all the way out the door
8. When the person behind you talks about how hungry they are
9. When you overhear the person in front of you talking about how wild their night was
10.When it’s your turn to order but you’re not sure what you want yet
11.When you ask for double meat
12.When the person in front of you asks for extras of everything
13.When someone orders a salad… or tacos
14.When the kitchen brings out a fresh pan of beans
15.When you treat yourself to chips and guac even when you’re broke
16.When the cashier forgets to charge you extra
17.When your meal is so beautiful you have to take picture
18.When you finish eating and suddenly realize you are too full to be wearing pants
19. When you pretend not to know how many calories you just consumed
20.An hour later when you realize you’re hungry again
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