How Accurate is Your Major Stereotype?

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If I had a dollar for every time I’ve gotten a comment about how easy my major is, I would be able to pay for my communications degree! We have all encountered the “stereotypes” of our majors and others across campus, and have all gotten our fair share of jokes and jabs in passing. It’s a fact of college life that whenever you answer the dreaded “What’s your major?” question, a snap judgement is sure to follow. 

Every major has their own distinct stereotype, and VALLEY has compiled a list of those most popular at Penn State. How accurate do YOU think the stereotype holds true? Have you seen any of these stereotypical characters walking around campus this semester?


In short– it’s the easy major. The classes for communications students are not nearly as hard as all of the other majors, and it is the default major for all of the kids that either A) did not know what to major in or B) only came to school to party and chose the easiest route possible. 


Nursing majors are often seen as the “Girls who peaked in high school.” Very cliquey and stuck up group that could save our life one day. They are also seen as being huge partiers, despite their fairly difficult class load. 

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The classic frat bro finance major who dreams for a job at JP Morgan. That is all VALLEY has to say. An abundance of easy classes and a default pick for a lot of students. Majority of the college are dudes that watched “The Wolf of Wall Street” and decided they wanted to major in business and date Margot Robbie.


Who hurt you? Why did you do this to yourself? Engineering majors typically hate their life, and curse themselves daily for picking the major that they did. But don’t worry, they will make it everyone elses problem! Also, they tend to lack social skills.

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Psychology majors like to not-so-secretly diagnose everyone they come into contact with. But they’re qualified, they took PSYCH 100!

Computer Science

Anti-social and super smart. Majored in computer science because they spend most of their time playing video games and modifying their PC, and figured most of the skills would carry over.

  English & Art

Another easy major filled with grammar snobs and excellent spellers. But most people ask, “Why are you getting a degree in a language you already speak?”

Art majors come across very pretentious and think that they are better than everyone else who “conformed” and chose a “traditional” major. They assume you won’t know any of their references because everything that they’re into is super indie and underground.

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With over 40,000 students roaming Penn State’s campus, everyday we see someone new. Our campus is a petri dish of individuals, all of us having our own similarities and differences. No two people are the same, even if they share the same major. While there is some truth to these major stereotypes, they definitely are not 100% accurate. But hey, they sure are hilarious.

What do you think? How accurate is your major stereotype? Let us know by mentioning @VALLEYmag on X!


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