I Hate You Because I Want To Be You

Posted by @brittanilancaster on Instagram

In today’s digital world, we are constantly surrounded by not only friends but influencers, models and other mutuals on social media. 

Unfortunately, these pages are often filled with unrealistic beauty standards, heavy editing, filters and false information. It’s no secret that we get insecure about ourselves, whether it concerns our outward appearance or internal wellness, after being exposed to social media daily. 

Not all influencers fit this narrative, though. Some creators out there entertain and advocate for body positivity, mental health and overall well-being. They keep it real and remind their followers to embrace their beauty and authenticity, which is refreshing to see on social media platforms. Luckily, VALLEY compiled a short list of influencers and their TikTok handles that we feel are genuine and entertaining. They use their platforms to show positivity, optimism and beauty in a harsh world.

Clara Macciocchi (@claraandherself)

Clara resembles internal and external beauty while also keeping it real. She’s best known for her body-positive content, but she also shares a lot about her struggles with anxiety. She recently had June, her daughter and she shares the ups and downs of her pregnancy and embraces the changes it made to her body. Overall, Clara is very optimistic and transparent. She uses her TikTok page as an outlet for her feelings and thoughts that her followers can appreciate and relate to.   

Anna Sitar (@annaxsitar)

Anna’s social media pages promote confidence, genuineness and progress. Her videos range from ordering a Starbucks coffee to how she’s coping with a breakup. No matter what she’s doing in her videos, it usually involves humor and smiles. Her profile is a great reminder of how great it feels to be yourself and flaunt it. Overall, her content is forward-looking, cheerful and versatile.

Micheal Pelchat (@nicemicheal)

If you look at Micheal’s TikTok feed, almost every video teaser shows him smiling or dancing. It’s that simple. He is constantly smiling and often preaches gratitude and mindfulness. He uses humor to engage with his followers and showcases his happy and quirky personality. If you’re looking for an influencer that will give you a quick laugh or smile, you might want to check out Micheal.

Brittani Lancaster (@brittanilancaster)

Brittani radiates kindness and empathy on her social media profiles. She is passionate about body positivity and very transparent about her fitness and wellness journey. Her TikTok video series, “What I Eat In A Day That Won’t Make You Feel Like Shit,” showcases many balanced, diverse, and healthy days of eating, which is so important to advocate for. She always emphasizes the importance of balance, and we recommend watching her content to cheer you up on a bad day.

Let us know @VALLEYmag on Instagram if you follow any of these influencers or know any others who should be on this list!


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