Is the Worst Yet to Come?

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Our minds wander into the depths of bad scenarios and dreadful thoughts about what is to come. As we brew unimaginable outcomes to what lies ahead of us, the dread seems to dissolve once we face the reality. Instead of fearing the end of the world, our favorite people hating us or facing impending doom, the outcome is almost disappointingly normal. Why does dread and fear take over us when facing any circumstance? 

Mind Over Matter
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A hint of dread or fear sends our brains into a spiral. We hold so much power within our minds to dictate feelings on anything we encounter. If we sense danger to our physical or emotional state, the brain tries to protect you by predicting the worst possible outcome. In an instant, fear rushes from our heads to our feet, paralyzing us with a fear that did not exist three minutes ago. 

When we face the reality of having a tough conversation with a friend or taking the hardest exam known to man, we can slowly move our fingers again and snap out of the trance dread placed upon us. In times like these, we have to find a safe spot within our heads. It feels as if we are pacing back and forth, analyzing all possible outcomes that could potentially endanger us. In that safe space, we can take a moment to breathe and combat our dread. 

You’re Gaslighting Yourself
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Let’s set the scene: You just got into your first fight with your best friend. This has never happened before and you are freaking out to talk to them again. Yes, it feels a little awkward and uncomfortable right now, but you feel very panicked and your friendship won’t be the same. Slowly, your mind starts to create fake, horrible scenarios between you and your best friend that do not exist, but you start to believe it. 

Essentially, your brain just gaslit you into thinking your relationship has gone to shit. Truth is, it hasn’t and it won’t. You have succumbed to panic and lies you are starting to make yourself believe. Take a breath, reboot your brain and take action when the fear has passed. We know deep down the importance of that friendship, shedding light back on the reality we are facing. Dread clouds our views from seeing the clear picture, but it will always clear up to see that the outcome wasn’t as bad as we imagined. 

How do you cope with dread? Let @VALLEYmag know on X!

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