Is Your Frontal Lobe Developing?

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Every Penn State girl has been there, you watch your roommates start to get ready, pre-game music starts blasting and suddenly you’re the center of attention.

“Why aren’t you getting ready?”

This is the part you’ve been dreading; you’re going to upset them.

“I don’t want to go out tonight.”

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The room goes silent. Your head drops. They start bombarding you with questions.

“Why don’t you want to go out? You said you would!” It doesn’t stop.

Finally, they leave, and you’re left alone. The thought of being alone on this Thursday night excites you. Maybe you’ll watch a movie, a show, catch up on some homework, who knows, the world is your oyster on a night in, just you. But you open your phone, you see peoples’ private stories and close friends, looks like they’re all having a great night. What is wrong with you? Why didn’t you want to go out?

You’re not weird. Your frontal lobe is developing.

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The Science of it All

The trend has been like this: girls will post something they’re doing. For example, staying in on a Saturday. They caption the post “my frontal developing” adding what they’re doing and what they’d be doing instead if their frontal lobe wasn’t “developed.” In this case, it would be going out.

So, what does this trend really mean for college girls?

Scientifically speaking, the frontal lobe of your brain also known as your pre-frontal cortex claims to fully develop by the time you turn 25. In other words, you reach full maturity mentally, once you turn 25. For some, 25 can’t come sooner.

This obsession to mature is no surprise. Maybe your frontal lobe is developing. Or even crazier, you’re starting to listen to your body.

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Listen To Your Body

We don’t think we do, but we all need time for ourselves. College can be a lot. Your social battery feels like it can’t run out of juice, you’re surrounded by people 90% of the day, every day. Until one day your frontal lobe has had enough. 

This trend, though maybe not entirely scientifically correct, has a good message. Take pride in doing things for yourself. Don’t be ashamed to stay in, listen to your body and what it needs. Times like this can warrant major self-care time. Don’t be afraid to be different and do what’s best for you.

Let us know on Instagram with ways you’ve been taking yourself these first few weeks back at school, @VALLEYmag!



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