Since it is a fresh start to a new semester, we all have learned from our past experiences. The more semesters we live at Penn State, the more we pick up on what is good and what is bad. VALLEY wants to speak on some good habits to implement this semester and some to avoid. Here are some of our ins and outs for the semester!
Ins: Cooking, Authenticity, Studying
This year we are being financially responsible, which means eating more at home. Of course, it is great to go out and get some good food with friends, but we are just going to do it less often. I know sometimes we can be in a rush and unable to make food or head back to our apartments; that is why meal prepping can be the solution. When you are cooking in one setting, you can prepare other meals for the next few days, too.
Cooking can also be like therapy and a nice break from all your assignments and social plans. Plus, you are doing it for yourself, so you know what ingredients you are eating and it is much healthier. Once you learn to see it that way, it gets easier.

A fundamental guide to self-love is staying true to yourself and knowing your worth. When surrounded by a big school with social events and never-ending homework, it can be tricky to focus on your needs. It is important to take self-care nights and do good things to take care of your mind and body. For example, going to the gym, reading or spending time with the people you love.
There is a book called “The Four Agreements,” which is a practical guide to personal freedom. The agreements include to be impeccable with your word, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions and always do your best.
As we try to balance schoolwork and hobbies, it can be a bit stressful to know when to do what. This leads us to leave everything for the last minute and procrastinate. That is why it’s important to keep a calendar and implement better studying habits. Reduce habits like doing homework in bed. There are also many campus resources to help with classes, tutoring and stress that you can look into.
Outs: Benders, Skipping Class, Low Self-Esteem

Going out can be fun and all, but everything in excess is not good for you. The truth about going out consecutively for more than three days is that once you stop, you are going to feel awful. Being hungover isn’t a great feeling, and it keeps you from getting a lot of things done.
FOMO exists, but it doesn’t need to be embraced. Even if everyone going out on a Wednesday doesn’t mean you should too. Do whatever makes you feel best without feeling peer pressured.
This one is a big one since a lot of people get lazy about going to class because of the weather, not feeling well, having other work to do, etc. If you think about it, you—or your parents—are literally paying for you to attend these classes, so make that money worth it.
The only exceptions are emergencies or being extremely sick. Going to classes in person is one of the best ways to stay on top of studying. This year, let’s try to be more accountable when it comes to attendance.
Comparison is the thief of joy. Everybody on this campus is stunning and unique, but so are you! The worst one can do is compare ourselves to strangers on social media or around campus. We never appreciate what we have enough.
A good mindset is that instead of wanting a different trait, embrace your features and personality. Once you focus on yourself, you will start loving every part of you—even on hard days. You are beautiful, remember that.
We hope this helps! Let us know some of your ins and outs on our Instagram @VALLEYmag!
The Pilates Mom Mindset