Less is More: Slowing Down Your Day-to-Day Life

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Life doesn’t have to move at sixty miles per hour. The endless responsibilities and deadlines can feel suffocating and often lead to burnout, stress and mental health issues. It can be difficult to break from this demanding cycle, but slowing your routines down will relieve some of the strain of everyday life. 

A modern lifestyle has us constantly worrying about the future. Regardless of whether these thoughts are hypothetical or real, they often hold no actual significance. Do not give power to what doesn’t matter; you are taking away peace from now. It can be difficult to be present in the current moment with everything moving so fast around you. Slow things down a little. Below are some of VALLEY’s favorite ways to embrace taking it easy amidst the chaos.

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Meditation for the Mind

Meditation is a life-changing practice when becoming more mindful. By focusing only on your breath and body you have no other choice but to quiet the mind and embrace your surroundings. All anxious thoughts or stress slip away, leaving you with the current moment. If thoughts of worry do come up, you can acknowledge them without getting caught up in their narrative. This small act can be easily added to your routine, even meditating for as little as five minutes can bring immense change. 

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People Pleaser

You were not made to perform for or please others. Choosing to stay in, or canceling plans is not selfish, it is a step towards personal growth. When we force ourselves to go out it hurts both parties. Intentionally remaining alone can be good for the mind because it is listened to. For those nights you decide to stay in, cherish it. Nights in are so beneficial for alleviating stress and allow you to enjoy your favorite things. Resist the urge to say yes because it is expected, set boundaries and listen to yourself. You know your body the best. 

Digital Detox

Phones constantly pull us away from the present. What seems like an escape from reality is a rabbit hole of endless feeds of the highlights of other’s lives. Don’t fall into the comparison trap, it’s the last thing that you need when the real world is already stressful enough. So much time is spent looking at our screens and while it allows us to connect with others, how much of it is spent mindlessly scrolling? Moments that could be spent being mindful are replaced by constant online stimulation. Through limiting screen time, you can still reap the benefits of social media without the harm of constantly being immersed in a virtual world. 

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Slowing down is not a sacrifice; you do not have to give up your time or social life. It’s about making conscious choices to prioritize your mind and body. It seems crazy in such a fast-paced world to just stop, look around and take a breath. Do not waste your time with things that do not serve you. It all starts with you, what do you want out of this life? Slow down and think about it, the solution may be simpler than you think.

How do you handle a heavy workload? Tag @VALLEYmag on X with your tips!


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