Let’s Go Sledding

Photo posted by @onwardstate on Instagram

Let’s be real. When students choose Penn State, they are not picking it for its warm weather and sunshine. Instead, they are preparing for the harsh reality of winter with negative temperatures, snow that does not seem to melt and slush-covered sidewalks. Even though the cold can be unbearable, it does not deter the spirit of many students.

Penn State students learned to embrace the winter days and continue to make some of the best memories in college, even in the cold.

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Typically, the snow would chase people into the comfort of their cozy dorms. However, students wasted no time rushing outside to enjoy the first snowfall of the year in early December. Places like the courtyard in East and Old Main were filled with laughter and friendly competition.

Once the first snowball is thrown, there is no stopping the ensuing chaos. Whether people are dodging flying snow or aiming at their friends’ unsuspecting faces, the thrill of a good old-fashioned snowball fight often brings joy.

Photo from Pinterest.com
Unconventional Sleds

The rush of adrenaline that accompanies a fast-paced sled ride is unmatched. The HUB lawn is the ideal place to go sled riding with its perfect slope and large expanse of land. However, where does a college student find a sled? 

While the trays in the HUB are used to place Slim Chickens or a personalized salad on, it doubles as an effective sled. This sled replacement allows students to race down the HUB lawn. They also find success in sliding on their stomachs as if they were penguins with the help of garbage bags. No matter the method, Penn Staters prove their imagination is not left behind in childhood.

Photo posted by @onwardstate on Instagram
Childhood Delight: College Edition

Playing in the snow may seem childish. The truth is, the delight and joy it can bring is infectious. Even though the cold weather that accompanies snow is less than ideal, the small moments of throwing a snowball or sliding down a snow-covered hill can offer a reprieve from the pressure of a stressful semester. 

VALLEY believes college students are never too old to build a snowman. The memories made in the first winter at State College might be some of the best. 

So, next time the glittering flakes fall from the sky and the urge to play outside is overwhelming, VALLEY says do it. Take a break from demanding classes or a packed schedule and be a kid again, even if only for a few moments. 

Have snow day pictures you want to share with VALLEY? 

Post them and tag us on Instagram @VALLEYmag


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