Covid has undoubtedly made it more difficult to stay in touch with the people that we love. When you’re not seeing each other every day, it can be easy to forget to send texts checking up on people, and making phone calls can get stressful for some people. The solution? A traveling journal!
Traveling Journals Explained

A traveling journal is a journal that you and your friends pass around each time that you see each other. For example, person a would start out with the journal, and then when they met up with person B, they would pass it to person B. Then, person B would mail it to person C and so on, until it got back to person A. It can also be a great activity for couples! You can exchange it every time you see each other or go out.
In order for these types of activities to work, you should usually lay some ground rules. These can include that you have to pass the journal within a week of you receiving it, you should not write anything bad about anyone else who could see the journal, even jokingly, or rules about the nature of the content you can put in the journal.
Where to Buy

When buying a journal, is it a good idea to keep the weight in mind. If you’re going to be mailing it back and forth, it’s going to be expensive, so you want to choose a journal that’s lightweight to keep shipping costs down. A great place to buy journals downtown is the Nittany Quill. You would be supporting a small business with your purchase!
Instagram Inspo

For inspiration, you can search the Journal hashtag on Instagram. There you will find tons of ideas about different spreads and entries that could be fun for you to try out in order to show your friends. One great inspiration account is @dtjournals. these friends have been passing around various journals for years, and they made their Instagram account so that you can follow along as they pass it back and forth. The account tells who has it currently, and what volume they are currently on (volume 9 right now!) they share many of their art pages on the account and give great ideas for different collages, drawings, and art projects that you could put into the Journal.
These traveling journals are a great way to stay in contact with people when you can’t be together as much as you’d like. Plus, afterward, you have a beautiful journal filled with memories to keep.
Share pictures of your journal on Instagram and tag us @VALLEYmag!