Have you ever thought a guy was #ObsessedWithHisMom or a #ManChild? Are you impressed if a boy #DoesDishes or #RespectsWomen? Do you know a guy who #OwnsCrocs but is kind of #NerdyAndILikeIt?
Introducing Lulu, a relatively new iPhone and Android app that allows women to rate men via hashtags, as well as on a 1-10 scale on appearance, humor, manners, ambition, commitment, and intimacy.
In a recent article from The Daily Beast, Founder and CEO Alexandra Chung explained that the purpose of Lulu is to bring girls together in a safe environment in order to help them make smarter decisions about the men they date.
While Lulu’s purpose is notable, responses here on campus have been varied.
Take for example junior Lindsey Grillot, who recently viewed the app for the first time and disagreed with many of the ratings. Some of her friends received lower ratings than she thought they deserved.
“Girls who are bitter about a past fling or relationship can easily skew the ratings, which makes it unreliable,” says Grillot.
Others see – and have experienced – the benefits.
“I think if people actually used it correctly, it could help warn girls about bad guys,” says junior Emily DiStefano.
This turned out to be the case for junior Hallie Lutz, who discovered through Lulu that her boyfriend had cheated on her when she saw other women had rated him on intimate affairs.
But what do the guys think of all of this?
“I think it’s kind of creepy,” says sophomore Ryan Wise. “But if what girls are posting is true, then I think it could be pretty helpful for them.” #NiceGuy #WeLikeHim
“It’s a good way to waste time when you’re bored,” says Grillot. “But in reality, does it really hold any meaning?”
Photo credit: itunes.com
RT @ValleyMag: It’s the latest fad among girls on campus. Lulu, the app that rates men – beneficial or just plain creepy? http://t.co/t6UAQ…
RT @ValleyMag: It’s the latest fad among girls on campus. Lulu, the app that rates men – beneficial or just plain creepy? http://t.co/t6UAQ…