A good month starts with a good mindset. Going into the start of something new, it is important to have goals and visions of what you want to accomplish … or simply what you want the new month to bring. A visual representation of what your goals look like can help ensure you work towards them.
Vision Board
The idea of creating a vision board to manifest your desires has been on the rise lately and it is no surprise as to why. A lot of people have big ideas of what they want their life to look like or certain things they want to accomplish. This can seem daunting and sometimes too unrealistic. By creating a vision board, you are imagining yourself doing the activities and reaching the dreams you wish to achieve.

How To Start
Let’s start small … a vision board for this month. October tends to feel like the official start of the fall season and with that comes a lot of fun and wholesome activities. This month also marks the middle of the first semester, so maybe you want to reevaluate how you are approaching your education and make tweaks if necessary.
The first step in planning your month is writing down your goals for the upcoming weeks. These could be big goals such as getting an A on every assignment or working towards something in your career. It could also be small adjustments to your schedule. Examples could include going to bed earlier, reading a few pages of a book every day, or doing your skincare consistently. Whatever it may be, think of everything you want to do and write it down! Writing it down is key to this process. Putting your goals down on paper holds you more accountable for reaching them.

Collage by Hanna Tigar
What’s Next?
After you have organized your thoughts and have a set plan, the fun part begins! Go onto Pinterest and search for pictures relating to each of your goals and the overall feeling you want for this month. Have a good mix of goals and aesthetic pictures so your board is something you love to look at. If you want to read more, include pictures of books and people reading. Maybe you want to paint pumpkins sometime this month so put in pictures of it! This part of the process should be relaxing and exciting … the point of it is to get you inspired to work towards having the month you are curating.

Collage by Camryn Pavelko
Coming To Life
The last part that helps your vision board translate to reality is making a collage of all the photos you picked out. An easy way to do that is to take screenshots of each of the pictures you added to your Pinterest board and make a collage on Canva or Instagram stories. You can include as many or as little number of photos as you want but make your collage intentional. Include pictures that represent the goals you wrote down in the beginning. Once you’ve put all the photos together, you officially have your October vision board!
You can print out this collage, make it your screensaver, or just have it somewhere convenient so you can look back on it every few days and check in with yourself. Vision boards are a way to hold you accountable for the work you are putting in. Ask yourself if you are working towards your ideal month and if you aren’t … well get working! VALLEY wants to see you have an amazing month!

Collage by Erin O’Neil
You Got This!
Spend time this October becoming the version of yourself you have been thinking about being. It is either one day or day one and with only a few months left in 2023, you have just the right amount of time to accomplish what you intended to do at the start. Trust us … there is no better feeling than bettering yourself and working towards your happiness.
Below we have linked a few students’ fall Pinterest boards for some inspiration. Happy October… now go get pinning! <3
Tag us on Instagram, @VALLEYmag, with pics of your October vision board!