Practically the whole school is busy preparing for one of the most major events of the year, and the members of VALLEY are no exception to that. Meet four members of the VALLEY staff who have been busy preparing for the highly-anticipated THON weekend.
Maggie Kreienberg: Managing Editor

Photo courtesy of Maggie Kreienberg
Not only is Maggie a member of the Special Events committee and the Family Relations Chair for Silver Wings, but she is also dancing in THON 2018.
Maggie has been involved with THON since her freshman year as Dancer Relations committee member.
“As Family Relations Chair, I am the primary liaison between Silver Wing’s THON family and the organization,” Maggie says. “We have been paired with the Krodel family since THON 2016.”
The Krodel family was not able to make it to THON 2017, so Maggie is extra excited to see them at THON this year while she is dancing.
“My organization was actually in the lottery this year, so while I was selected by Silver Wings to dance, my fate was really up to chance,” Maggie says. “I was sitting in my accounting class when I got the email saying I was picked in the lottery and my heart stopped.”
“This is something that I have wanted to do since my first THON,” Maggie says.
From everyone at VALLEY, congratulations and good luck, Maggie!
Ryan Salamo: Web Director

Photo courtesy of Ryan Salamo
Ryan, who is on a Dancer Relations committee, will be responsible for keeping his dancer and their partner “engaged, distracted and motivated throughout the weekend.”
The people on his committee have been his favorite part about being involved with THON this year.
“I love these people more than I could have ever expected to like a random group of strangers; we’re like a family,” Ryan says.
Ryan explains that though he has made amazing connections, his involvement with THON goes much deeper than that.
“I THON because I was born with a neuroblastoma, which is a cancer of the adrenal. I was lucky enough to have had my doctor catch it before I was born so I never really saw the other side of cancer,” Ryan says. “Upon hearing one story in particular about another boy who lost his battle to a neuroblastoma, a word which I never heard from anyone else up until then, it really gave me perspective about how lethal cancer is, and how much children have to grow up at such an early age when all they should be worrying about is who’s going to be ‘it’ when they play tag.”
Jenna Pelowitz: Web Writer

Photo courtesy of Jenna Pelowitz
Jenna is a member of the Communications committee. In preparation for THON, Jenna has been creating activities for the dancers to do while on the floor, learning the “ins and outs” of the BJC, and raising money. During THON weekend, Jenna can be found in the information booths assisting anyone that needs directions or information.
Jenna also did a lot of work for THON through her sorority, Delta Gamma. “Last year we made it into the top ten of Greek orgs for money raised,” Jenna says. “It was such an amazing moment because we put in so much time for that.”
“I THON because I think that every kid deserves to be a kid,” Jenna says. “Not in hospital rooms. Not in treatment. Not in pain.”
Katie Gergel: Print Writer

Photo courtesy of Katie Gergel
Katie is a member of the PR Production Committee and Springfield, a THON special interest organization.
During THON weekend Katie will be running around the floor filming “the kids, families, dancers, other committee members, people in the stands, and acts on stage.” She will also be in the production room at the BJC editing the videos of the precious moments that she captures.
Katie is most excited about “being on the floor and experiencing firsthand the joy that THON children experience in the BJC.”
“It will be amazing to capture this magic on film, but even more amazing just to be in that atmosphere in the first place.”