Nineteen years young, Janelle Bullock has an air of maturity far beyond her years. Valley was fortunate to catch a moment with this second semester freshman who boasts a contagious smile and visions of an exciting future to chat campus involvement, fashion, and big dreams.
Born and raised in the central Pennsylvania town we’ve all grown to know as our college escape, Bullock is pursuing a degree in Broadcast Journalism. “I’m lucky to have gotten involved with so many things I love so early on in my college career,” Bullock speaks about her time spent as a TA in Sociology 119 — Race and Ethnic Relations — as well as her participation in the Essence of Joy choir.
“I’ve been singing since I was born,” Bullock tells Valley. Perhaps her truest calling, Bullock dreams of singing and producing her own music one day. On the off chance her music remains a side passion, Bullock’s prepared with an equally exciting back up plan.
“I’d also love to start a jazz cafe. A place where people can show their art or share their music.” But in the meantime, Bullock recommends catching her and her equally talented peers at an Essence of Joy concert.
It’s no surprise that Bullock, with a spirit primed for creativity, has such a one of a kind, envying style. She credits her older sister for piquing her interest in fashion.
Her excitement for fashion and her self-described, “unique” aesthetic, stems from the puzzle-piecing of outfits and the thrill of the find. “I love thrift shopping. I love finding clothes that are unique, things that nobody else really has, things that are a little bit out there.”
While she recognizes the hunt for the perfect piece proves challenging when it’s buried in a sea of the second-hand, the end result always proves worth it.
When it comes to getting dressed — whether it’s a morning class or the anticipatory beginnings of a Friday night — Bullock always starts small. Her outfit inspiration stems from an array of possibilities, a pair of pink patterned socks or a bold blue eye, Bullock seldom lets her day (or night) begin with an ounce of boredom.
There’s only one word that pops into mind while attempting to analyze Bullock’s crave-worthy style and unique routine — fun. The girl with the bold look, infectious personality, and captivating voice tells us, “I always like to be different in my style, but without getting too crazy.”
And on that note, Valley would like to thank Bullock for reminding us it’s ok to get a little crazy sometimes — in fact, maybe we need to. After all, fashion should always be fun.