Must-Follow Instagram Accounts

Photo posted by Girl Eat World | (@girleatworld)

Okay, let’s be honest with each other — for many of us, the first thing we do in the morning is pick up our phone and scroll through our social media. Our hair is in disarray, we have dragon breath and our eyes are still matted with last night’s dreams, but our fingers are already busy swiping and double tapping on instagrams, right?

Well, it’s okay if you don’t admit to it, Valley still has a round up of some of the most interesting, unique, humorous and FOMO-inducing Instagram accounts, so you can start your day off on the right note before you even crawl (or drag) yourself out of bed.

Humorous accounts


This account is similar to the popular Instagram account @betches, but it’s less well-known and definitely deserves some love. Filled with relateable gifs, memes, and short clips, @funnywhenitswrong will be sure to get that politically incorrect laugh out of you.


Although this Insta is geared towards women in their mid-twenties, it’s still hilarious to read no matter your age. @quarterlifepoetry posts pithy, hilarious poems centered around the daily woes of being a twentysomething-year-old in this changing world.


Filled with screenshots from conversations between ex-lovers, this is exactly the account you need when your are bombarded by couple photos on your instagram. The best part? The account swears all the texts are real and user-submitted, so it’s a great, real treat for yourself.

Book accounts


This is basically the “Humans of New York” book edition. The photographer stops different readers on the subways of New York and asks them what they are reading and how each book has impacted them. This is the perfect account to scroll through when you are looking for your next page-turner. Plus, the black-and-white photography is well done too.


This aptly named instaram account solely focuses on nabbing pics of unaware hot guys that are reading. The captions always include a hilarious observation about both the eye candy in question and the unassuming male in question — the best of both worlds.


This is a quirky little account that showcases a new book each post and a few corresponding items that resonante with the books theme. It’s a nice aesthetic as well as bringing some creative flair into the magical world of reading — perfect for the inner bookworm in all of us.

Foodie accounts


This Instagram is for the foodie and travel bug inside all of us. It’s filled with pictures of yummy treats posed against iconic backgrounds and sometimes you won’t be able to tell if you’re more envious of what Melisa, the photographer, is eating or seeing.


The hashtag dominating the bio of this account is “#eatlikeshit” and gives you everything you need to know about @thevulgarchef. Filled with foul language, this account chronicles some of the greasiest, most fattening (but undeniably delicious) foods that you can find. These include some of the chef’s own creations, such as Rice Krispie treat ice cream tacos topped with Reese Pieces. This account is for anyone who’s ever thought, “That would definitely give you a heart attack — but I kind of want to try it.”

Fashion accounts


Kat Tanita’s account is filled with photos of not only her chic and impeccably paired outfits, but also glamorous shots of her envious life. She has the perfect classic New Yorker style, with a big focus on neutral colors and high-end fashion.


Sarah Vickers is one part of the dynamic duo that founded Kiel James Patrick, a brand famous for their adorably preppy anchor bracelets. Sarah also runs, a fashion blog that specializes in preppy, feminine and classic styles. Her Instagram is filled with beautiful clothes, scenic landscapes and the occasionally New England eye candy, whether it be a handsome prepster, or a pair of adorable Burnese mountain dogs.

Animal accounts


This is the “Humans of New York” for dogs and includes numerous pictures of different types of with a caption explaining a quirk fact of story about each one. It is self-described as a “hoto-documentary series about the beauty of dogs” and it’s always a welcome portion of your daily wake-up instgram roundup. After all, what better way to wake up than with puppies?

These accounts are sure to keep you entertained for hours. Do you follow other accounts that we missed? Tag us on social media @ValleyMag and let us know!




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