The day my sister jokingly created an OkCupid account for me was the day that I realized just how weird and embarrassing online dating websites can be. Random guys who I had no prior knowledge of would virtually “wink” at me and send me obnoxious messages, making it clear that they were trying way too hard. The amount of guys on the site who had, “I play football and have been told I’m a really cool and sensitive guy” in their profile description astounded me.
OkCupid is much simpler than other online dating programs, such as eHarmony or― which explains why it’s free. All you have to do is answer some lifestyle questions, and suddenly you’re connected with a whole new dating pool. It’s nice that there’s so many people to choose from, but it’s definitely overwhelming and, sadly, hard to find a decent person.
With that being said, there could be hope for the technological world of dating…or at least hooking up. The recent popular app, Tinder, and the website Bang With Friends are redefining the ways people meet and/or start talking.
While Tinder just finds people who are near you to connect with, Bang With Friends actually connects with Facebook and allows you to pick the friends who you’re interested in. If that friend happens to be interested in you, too, both of you receive an email. It could be a friend in your close social circle or that guy in your English class who you did a group project with but never really talked to one-on-one.
All of this may seem a little crazy and maybe even creepy, but it’s kind of similar to meeting a random guy at a party and getting your flirt on. He may not be your type, yes, but you have to take risks and expand your horizons.
It’s likely that most of these people using Tinder and Bang With Friends aren’t in search for their perfect match and a serious relationship, and that’s what makes it fun. There’s always a chance of feeling that little spark of connection― and who knows where it could go from there.
Photo by Jessi Hilary
RT @ValleyMag: From virtual “winks” to the thrill of mystery matches – is online or app dating (yes, really) creepy or fun? …