Well, well, well everyone the time has now arrived. The birds are chirping and cafe bells of 50 days of drinks are ringing. We are past spring break and have gotten down to the wire for graduation prep for all students ready to take the big leap into post-grad life.
For a lot of students however, we are still grappling with the realization that the time has now come for us to hang up the blue and white and trade it for something new. Life is rough now, loans are high and quite frankly the job market is getting worse by the day. But that doesn’t mean that joy is not on the horizon. Introspection is key during this period, so VALLEY is here to give you some tips on ways we can continue to live in the moment.

Why now?
The clock of life is continuing to move with or without our control. While mourning might ensue, starting to process this doesn’t mean that you can’t be joyful about what’s to come. The time is NOW to do what you feel is best for yourself. BOOK THAT TRIP SIS! Go on that yacht or even if you want to just buy a fancy meal for home do that! Now is the time to be open and allow any experience to come your way, without this you’ll never be open to what door the next chapter will have for you.
Being overwhelmed!
The job search… a conversation nobody wants to talk about. Remember how that family member at Thanksgiving asks you the age-old question, “Have you been looking for work?” Well you know damn well you have been so there’s no reason to even respond. From having a job lined up, grad school application woes or even not knowing what you want to do. Your life is not defined by the ups and downs of the job market. Not having a job right now is normal and as things start to progress do not stifle your growth or downplay what you’ve achieved within these last few years. All you can do is put your best foot forward and start to understand that adulthood is here now, but it’s not a pressure point to feel negative.

Senioritis be GONE!
I know, I know we all hate the schoolwork we have left to complete but something must be done. While I do say put your all in your work, you can start to dial it back on all of the stress it has caused you to get to the finish line.
Share the love!
This is the final lap with you and the community you’ve built at this school. Take that road trip with your friends, book that dinner with your sorority sisters and talk to that teacher who impacted you at this school. This is your time of reminiscing and giving back to those who have poured into your life throughout this cycle of university. As the mindset of leaving this illustrious university starts to set in… remind yourself of who you are what you’ve become in the lessons you learned. That is the true goal of what this institution taught you.
In what ways are you spending your time joyfully this graduation season? Share them with us @VALLEYmag on X or tag us on Instagram!