We’ve all experienced college burnout, especially post-midterms. For students, college burnout feels like an endless cycle of exhaustion and stress. To help college students cope with midterm burnout, VALLEY has put together our declassified burnout survival guide.
Create Study Schedules
To reduce the effects of college burnout, VALLEY recommends creating study schedules. Through these schedules, college students can implement productive study time to prevent cramming.
Take Breaks When You Need Them
Let’s face it — productive study time is key. However, you have to take breaks! Consider taking “mental” breaks to ensure productive study time. According to Psychology Today, taking 5-10 minute breaks every hour should improve productivity. Walking, hydrating or even scrolling on TikTok are some mindless activities to do on your breaks!
There’s nothing like the great outdoors. To reduce the effects of burnout, consider unplugging from your technological devices and exploring outside! With Penn State’s outdoor spots like the Arboretum, you can easily unplug and recharge.
Talk To Someone
Sometimes the best therapy is talking it out. Consider chatting with a relative, friend or counselor about how this burnout is affecting your mental state. Penn State provides students with free counseling services. Click this link to find out more information!
Find Time To Relax
Everyone is different. For some, relaxing entails movie nights and face masks. For others, it could be hiking or running. Find what is the best relaxation method for you.
Tell us how you cope with burnout, @VALLEYmag, on Twitter.