Penn State’s World In Conversation

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World in conversation, otherwise known as WINC, is a class dedicated to worldwide dialogues. It is under the category of Sociology 369 (SOC 369) and is run by numerous experienced facilitators who help students become a facilitator as well. Not only does it give you the skills to have open dialogues, but it also gives students the opportunity to communicate with people all over the world. If this sounds interesting to you, and you’d like to learn more then keep reading!

What Does The Class Consist Of?

SOC 369 consists of both weekly classes and dialogues. It is all over Zoom due to many students attending from different countries but there are some opportunities throughout the semester to meet your classmates and facilitators in person. Classes are usually a couple of times a week and consist of activities to help strengthen your dialogue skills.

As for the dialogues themselves, they can be done either once or multiple times a week. It can be either conducted by students who currently take a specific class at Penn State or students from other countries who are attending out of interest or for one of their classes as well. There are different topics every week that facilitators are given to discuss with the attendees, who they must make sure are staying interactive.

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How Can You Get Involved?

Usually, students find out about WINC through a class they are taking. Some classes require dialogues as part of the curriculum which is why WINC is so well-known around campus. For example, SOC 119 is a class that does a lot with World In Conversation. More than half of the grade is participating in dialogues. Many facilitators end up coming from that class due to the many times it is required to participate.

If you have not yet taken SOC 119 and are interested in joining WINC, it would be smart to look into the class! Not only does it prepare you as a participant first, but it teaches you what the program is all about and what to expect if you want to take the next step in becoming a facilitator.

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In conclusion, World In Conversation gives students so many valuable life skills that will be useful in the future. It teaches students how to talk about difficult topics with people from all different backgrounds by opening you up to new perspectives. It also teaches students how to maturely approach controversial topics and be accepting of everyone’s opinions and not just their own.

If you have any experience with WINC or are interested in joining, make sure to tweet us @VALLEYmag and share your thoughts!


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