Pregame Your Day (Well, Not Literally)

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According to the Urban Dictionary the word “pregame,” a beloved phrase to practically the entire college population, is defined as “Verb: To drink alcoholic beverages prior to a social engagement to make it more enjoyable.” Pregames have become a way of life and a necessity before a night out with the girls. Most favorite memories began with an even more memorable pregame. 

Normalize Every Day Pregames

Now I know what you’re thinking, that’s alcoholism. And yes, if a person is truly drinking before their normal life events that is most definitely a problem. Instead of proposing the idea of literally doing everything drunk, let’s take the other aspects we love the most about pregames and apply them to our busy and stressful college lives. The concept of doing something fun before an event to make it more enjoyable is what we want to tap into here. 

The meetup with your friends before a night out is not only fun because there tends to be alcohol. The vibes tend to be the highest at this point in the night because everyone’s outfits are freshly picked out and hair is perfectly set into place. The excitement of the potential fun that you guys are about to have hasn’t been crushed by who leaves early to go see their toxic situationship and who decides to fight with a random frat boy for no apparent reason. 

That’s why the pregame is so special.

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Transferring the Concept

There are times that being in college sucks. Weeks can be flooded with exams, essays on top of essays can be due and through all of that it could be below 20 degrees in State College. Times like these are when it’s best to do the little things you enjoy before having to face the reality of your jam packed schedule. In theory, these moments could be the “pregame” of life.

 If you really loved your venti iced white mocha with sweet cream cold foam and extra caramel drizzle from Starbucks, but avoid buying it every morning because you’ll be almost $10 poorer, forget about that when the time really calls for it. Maybe pilates is your most favorite type of way to unwind. Find time to book a spot in that class with your favorite instructor even if you believe there is no time. 

Whatever your vice may be, indulge. For whatever terrible thing you must experience that day, try to match it with something you love. The fun activity is the pregame to the main event of your major MATH 110 exam.

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Let us know your favorite stress relieving “pregame” by tagging us on X @valleymag!

**VALLEY does not promote or condone underage drinking. 


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