Pretty As A Pumpkin

Valley has a special love for Halloween, so it’s only natural that we want to celebrate early. For the 13 days leading up to Halloween, we’ll be reveling in all of the creepy, spooky and sometimes stylish fun. Join in with our countdown of the 13 Days of Halloween.

October marks the beginning of cardigans, midterms, and prime pumpkin season. Pumpkins are not for only jack-o-lanterns and Halloween decorations, though. This fall super food has a ton of beauty benefits just waiting to be utilized.

Nutritionist Kelly Hoffheins of the Penn State health services’ center breaks down the health benefits to eating this fall favorite.

The most delicious and beneficial way to absorb a pumpkin’s many beautifying nutrients, Hoffheins recommends, is roast pumpkin cubes, which brings out the natural flavors. You can also blend the pumpkin and make soup out of it. This way you can get the most of pumpkin’s rich resources of potassium, vitamin A and beta keratin. New HUB soup of the day, perhaps?

A whole pumpkin can also be used in many simple ways. Forget traditional facial masks; go ahead and use the raw insides of the pumpkin. “Pumpkins prevent degenerative aspect of ageing.  Nutrients are better absorbed [by eating them], rather than putting them on your body, but it won’t hurt because some beauty products contain the same nutrients as pumpkins,” says Hoffheins.

If this winter squash is not your favorite veggie to eat, use pumpkin’s skin as beauty inspiration this fall. Hoffheins says, “The beta keratin gives pumpkins their natural orange color.” Mimic the beta keratin, by illuminating your eyes in hues of deep oranges, browns, and hunter greens. Your eyelids will be beautiful in the many shades of fall, and be in line with many of the fall’s must have beauty trends. To bring this to life, brush a light copper eye shadow on your upper lids and highlight with a gold shade in the creases and corners of your eyes. Apply dark brown mascara, and boom! Prettier than a jack-0-lantern.


Photo by Tyler Hankins

1 Comment

  • Marky says:

    Erica, Nice article , I enjoyed reading your “make up magic tips” I along with the health benefits of pumpkin.

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