Putting the “Well” in “Wellness”

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Health and wellness products are everywhere. They take up shelves, pop up on TikTok and can create mass confusion. With all these “miracle” products, it can seem at times like inner beauty is as profitable as outer beauty. Add in the phenomena of countless “gymfluencers,” and what normally feels best for you can become blurry. However, VALLEY has collected and summarized the key parts of this industry. So, without further ado, here’s how to feel your best (without all the fuss).

Neighborly Note

Though some products might seem aesthetically pleasing, it’s important to check the reviews, and more importantly, the ingredients. This applies especially if you are investing in beauty gummies or supplements. Without completing some online research, the only benefit may end up being the pretty package it comes in. 

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It’s also important to note that hair and nail supplements take time to work. Like with any other medicine, results with these products may vary. So, even though TikTok says some gummies will grow your hair in a week, check the reviews to know for sure. 

Rise and Shine
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Maybe Kylie Jenner was right about one thing. Disregarding all the advertising and marketing plans, one aspect of a wellness routine remains the same: breakfast. A great way to start your health journey is to try out new breakfast recipes or drinks. 

This step can provide energy for the day and can be fun too. It doesn’t matter if you’re a master cook or not. By taking the time to make a healthy breakfast, you can feel confident and prepared for the day. For inspiration, look online for a smoothie, toast or wrap recipes. 

Moving In and Out
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Just a bit of physical exercise can make a difference in a health and wellness routine. Whether you’re setting specific gym goals, or just looking to move, the options are endless. While lifting weights in the gym is a popular choice, Pilates, walking or running are also great options.

It’s important to decide what works best for you. Trial and error are a part of everyone’s journey to a healthy lifestyle. If you’re adventurous, try one or two new activities each week. This way, you can test the waters until you find one that’s meant to be. 

A Little Goes A Long Way
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Often, social media influencers don’t give enough credit to moderation. It’s one of the most important aspects of a healthy wellness routine. While it is possible to take a lot of supplements and complete three exercise sessions a day, that doesn’t mean it should be done. 

Both the body and mind need rest to recuperate. To give them a kind of “break time,” try meditation or yoga to destress and feel calm. Another positive of feeling great physically is that your mental state does as well. If it all seems like too much, try cutting down the number of exercise activities you complete each week.

If you find a certain practice or supplement that works for you, keep reusing it in your routine. The key here is that every person is unique. This means that everyone who follows the same gym influencer will not react the same to their workouts or diet. 

Happy AND Healthy 
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The wellness industry is full of advertisements trying to grab the public’s attention. In the guise of an aesthetic lifestyle, consumers can end up paying for the placebo effect. Even when health benefits are offered, it is important to do research into companies and their personal goals.

VALLEY notes that what is considered “healthy” has become a blurred image in the eyes of the public. As long as you have a routine that works for you, and makes you happy, then it’s meant to be. So don’t waste attention on all the added fuss, VALLEY knows you’re worth much more.

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