Remembering Ukraine

On February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin ordered Russian troops to invade Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv. This attack attempted to overthrow the Ukrainian government, currently led by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Russia, however, underestimated the strength of Ukraine’s military forces. Nearly two years later, the war continues, with intense fighting and ongoing resistance from the Ukrainian side.

A Brief history: 

The Russia-Ukraine war harbors deep historical roots which are crucial to understanding why the conflict began.


Ukraine’s geographic location plays a significant role in the war. In Eastern Europe, Ukraine shares borders with Russia, Poland and Romania. When President Zelenskyy advocated for Ukraine’s integration into the European Union and NATO, Russia raised tensions. Putin felt threatened by Ukraine’s potential alignment with Western institutions; as Russia believes Ukraine is their rightful territory.

Let us not forget

When Russia first invaded Ukraine, the news covered it extensively; raising awareness about the conflict and keeping the world informed amid the war. Yet over time, there has been a gradual decrease in media coverage.

It is crucial to remember the ongoing issues that stem from the war, as the humanitarian crisis continues to affect millions of people today.  

Importance of reading the news

Amid ongoing global issues, the number of people reading the news– especially among younger generations–decreased rapidly. Many individuals have stopped engaging with the news entirely (particularly since COVID-19) stating that it feels too depressing and they prefer to avoid content that impacts their mental well-being.

“More people are turning away from news, describing it as depressing, relentless, and boring, a global study suggests. Almost four in 10 (39%) people worldwide said they sometimes or often actively avoid the news, compared with 29% in 2017, according to the report by Oxford University’s Reuters Institute.”

BBC News
Photo from

The abundance of issues in the world reminds us to reflect on our situation and recognize how fortunate we are. It is crucial to stay updated and educated about global happenings, lest we forget the struggles others face worldwide.

After reading this article, keep an open mind and reflect on your level of knowledge of current events. Consider setting a goal to read the news at least once a week.

Remember to not take peace for granted and try to appreciate the importance of being informed.

Let us know if you set a goal to read more news by tagging us, @valleymag, on Instagram and X.


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