Neon is a trend VALLEY has seen in the past that is now back again in a new way. Neon green had a big moment and it’s when we initially started seeing neon colors. Now it’s time for the rest of the color pallet to have their own time in the spotlight.
Although it was thought to be a summer trend and the neon would slowly fade away as traditional fall colors came, multiple fashion houses are still sporting neon hues.

Neon colors can be an exciting way to change a look completely. Whether it’s accessories or a bold dress, neon touches add something edgier to any outfit. Even if bright colors might not be part of your wardrobe right now, it’s a fun trend to try every once in a while.
The Fashion Folks have addressed this trend multiple times since it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. If you’re hardcore about this trend, making neon a monochromatic look can be a huge statement. Nonetheless, a neon jacket or top is still a bold move.

VALLEY knows that to go all out with this trend is not for everyone. A subtle way to mix in some neon is by doing less obvious touches here and there. Neon nails have been trending lately. This bright pop of color elevates your look without being too loud.

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