It is probably safe to say we all need a little guidance on taking a step back from the chaos of life. Using self-reflective prompts as as journalling practice is a way to draw back into yourself and reflect on the past day, week, month or even year. Take these prompts based on your sun, moon or rising sign and try one out when you’re feeling overwhelmed and overworked — which we are sure you are!
Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries are passion driven beings and often let their decision making process be jaded by their fiery passion. They often tend to be reckless or have issues with overspending and difficulty controlling some of their negative emotions. If this resonates with your sun, moon or rising sign, try this journal prompt:
Is who I am inside a reflection of my day-to-day activies? Are there more important passions of mine that I find myself putting off “until tomorrow?“
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus thrive in a routine-based lifestyle and often search for patterns in people due to a need for a sense of security, familiarity and comfortability. This repetition sometimes leads them to be stubborn, especially towards the people and situations that challenge their comfortability. If this resonates with your sun, moon or rising sign, try this journal prompt:
What are the aspects of my life that I feel out of control? Who and/or what are the aspects of my life that make me feel grounded and secure?
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Geminis do not steer toward a routine; they enjoy communication with others but often seem to come off like they are communicating from two different angles. When reality does not meet their expectation they are likely to easily snap on anyone in their lane of fire. This self-expression can attach them to problematic situations that they might not have had anything to do with until their reactivity placed them there. If this resonates with your sun, moon or rising sign, try this journal prompt:
Compose three phrases that you can say when you’re feeling on the edge of an emotional explosion; any three phrases to remind yourself that your current circumstance is temporary. Why did you choose the phrases you chose?
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer people are notorious for their sensitivity and may tend to make irrational situational conclusions, based solely on the thoughts in their own head. Rejection hits them deeply and they often assign personal feelings to impersonal circumstances. If this resonates with your sun, moon or rising sign, try this journal prompt:
In what areas of my personal, academic or occupational life has my sensitivty elevated my connection with a person, place or experience? How will harnessing my sensitive energy aid my growth?
Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leos thrive off of external attention, whether that is positive or negative. They are very creative individuals and often present themselves as the people who always have the right thing to say. They come off approachable, easy to talk to and give off, to some, an overly confident ambiance. They may seem self-obsessed to some due to their expectation that in order to feel validated, all eyes must be watching and all hands must be applauding. If this resonates with your sun, moon or rising sign, try this journal prompt:
What energizes me when I am alone? When I feel most alive and purposeful in my own presence, what is the space around me like? What am I doing?
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo people can become excessive worriers due to their strong attention to detail and may have issues with finding a balance between two options of the extreme. They are highly analytical and observant of the people around them and either plan for the future the second their freedom is there, or hold off until the last minute. If this resonates with your sun, moon or rising sign, try this journal prompt:
Do you feel that you take too many projects on at once to avoid the present? Do you think truly living presently will take away from your anticipation of what is to come next?
Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Libras are people pleasers. They appreciate beauty and locating the middle ground, as their notably are the zodiac peace makers. Libras believe that peace is the intentional balance of the universe. When that balance is disturbed, they feel a personal duty to ensure everyone is content; they often achieve this by biting off more they can chew. They excite over people and projects very quickly, but burn out even faster. If this resonates with your sun, moon or rising sign, try this journal prompt:
How do you think your attitude towards your personal relationships has changed throughout the past few years. What portions of your relationship with yourself do you think influenced this shift?
Scorpio (October 23 – November 23)

Scorpio people are passionate in one conversation, then stand off-ish in the next. They often rarely highlight their negative emotions which can leave them feeling frustrated and heavy. They are captivating and enticing individuals, but will not allow those around them to recognize their vulnerability. If this resonates with your sun, moon or rising sign, try this journal prompt:
In what ways do I lash out when my ego is bruised? Where can I harness my well-spokenness to communicate emotions that I do not always feel comfortable sharing with others?
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius people love exploration and adventure; they are optimistic but equally impulsive, and their positive attitude suggests that the bad does not come with the good. This attitude could place them in harmful situations or relationships where they may not recognize the danger before it is too late. If this resonates with your sun, moon or rising sign, try this journal prompt:
How can I better trust my inituition when performing daily tasks? Are there patterns that I can recognize in the space around me that trigger a negative intuitive feeling? What are they?
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorns are studious, organized people, but may have difficulty incorporating fun into their “work time.” They may take on too much at once, forgetting the needed balance between work, play and rest. Their stress response to burn out may be a bit unconventional because of their inability to allow their mind and body to relax. If this resonates with your sun, moon or rising sign, try this journal prompt:
Describe how you think it would feel to take a breath of clean, crisp, fresh air. Who are the people, places or things that feel like a breath of fresh air to you?
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius people aggressively choose their own path and often put their own personal twists on trends or shared experiences. They will not be told what to do and will absolutely break the rules, even before they’ve learned there were rules at all. This may leave them paranoid about taking advice or direction from others, even if it was given with their best interest at heart. Their unapologetic attitude springs across all of their relationships and may leave them seeming unattached and feeling unfulfilled. Aquarius’ have difficulty sharing their negative emotions with others, in fear they will use it toward their demise. If this resonates with your sun, moon or rising sign, try this journal prompt:
Name three qualities of one person that you can always count on, a person that is not yourself. What do you admire about these qualities? What about them makes you feel like they are reliable?
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces people are nurturers, caregivers and offer a maternal ambiance to them; however, they commonly put up walls in fear of being deceived. They are extreme over thinkers who learn by example, and their big hearts may lead them to push others away based on their own over thinking habits. They often determine a villain based off of a hypothetical thought process and convince themselves that it is reality. If this resonates with your sun, moon or rising sign, try this journal prompt:
When I am faced with a negative emotion, what do I resort to to alleviate that pressure? Is it a person, place or activity? What about this thing makes me feel like I am escaping the negativity?
Journalling is also a great means of recognizing the things that you are grateful for. Not only does physically documenting your gratitude present you with a list of things that light you up, but it gets the writing juices flowing for a deeper reflective experience.