Are you always on aux? Or do you wish you had the confidence to ask for the cord? Then you should consider crafting your playlists into conversation starters.
Create a Palette With Your Playlists
Recently, people online have stylized their Spotify playlists to look like eyeshadow palettes by making each playlist cover a different eyeshadow pan. Colors can represent so much as many people learned from “brat summer,” the “Barbie” movie and “Wicked”. This makes it easy to decide which eyeshadows to represent a playlist. For your party girl playlist featuring Kesha and Charli xcx, try a vibrant glitter shadow. Have a Sunday cleaning playlist? Try a soft and calming pastel shade. The possibilities are unlimited.

If you’re not into makeup, there’s a million other different ways to customize your music library. Other people online have decided to make each playlist cover a different chocolate to make their library a box of chocolates. You can also use different paintings, mosaic tiles or post stamps. Many people following this new trend opt for examples like these because of the square format of the playlist covers, but customizing your music is really just about people expressing themselves through the music they love as well as how they organize it.

You can curate your library to suit your personal style, or you can search for inspiration online. Pinterest has thousands of pictures to match any vibe or aesthetic, but if you want your playlists to authentically represent you, look no further than your camera roll! Put your favorite childhood picture of yourself as the cover of a nostalgic playlist. Have a vacation playlist? Make a collage of your favorite snaps from the trip as the cover.
Music Matters

It’s no secret that music is one of the quickest ways to induce feelings of happiness, hurt, melancholy, anger and romance. Think of your playlists as digital time capsules. In a few years, pressing “play” will transport you back to your freshman dorm, favorite restaurants downtown, study abroad experience or senior year. This is why customizing your music library can level up your listening experience.
Whether you use Spotify or Apple Music, organizing your favorite tunes may help you organize the events of your life. Your teens and your 20s are full of transitions, firsts and heartbreaks – events that shape the person you will become.
New Playlists

If you find yourself growing tired of listening to the same tracks, it’s time to create some new playlists. Stop by your favorite cafe and Shazam any song that peaks your interest. Some people use the Airbuds Widget app to keep track of what their friends are listening to so they can stay connected and snag a few songs to add to their playlists. Ask your parents about their favorite songs and the artists they listened to when they were growing up. Believe it or not, your parents used to be cool once, and you may be surprised to find similarities in your playlists. It’s easy to find community through music whether it’s a concert, a party or even THON, so don’t be afraid to share your playlists with others.
VALLEY wants to remind you to stay true to yourself and craft your playlists for you. Don’t delete any parts of your library to “fit” an aesthetic.
Let us look at your music library and tag us @VALLEYMagazine on Instagram!