February 14th is a day to celebrate love. It may be hard to enter celebration mode when you find yourself single on Valentine’s Day, but VALLEY is here to tell you that it is okay to not have a significant other on the holiday. Love is all around, with not only your family and friends but more importantly with yourself.

Falling in love with yourself is an amazing feeling that everyone should be learning to do each day. Even though you may see couples while taking a stroll, that doesn’t mean that you should be jealous or feel sad that you don’t have a romantic relationship. Being content with being alone means you don’t have to be dependent on anyone else, you don’t have to worry all day about someone’s actions and most importantly, it means you love yourself. Being alone doesn’t mean you’re lonely.
Self-love takes place in many forms. It could be as simple as waking up in the morning, walking over to the kitchen and brewing yourself your favorite flavor of coffee. It could be buying flowers when you’re out grocery shopping, dancing to your favorite artist while getting ready for the day or relaxing while reading your favorite book before bed.
Loving yourself doesn’t have to be extravgant; it just needs to be honest.
You’re Not Alone

When you’re sad at night feeling like you’re the only person on this planet who doesn’t have a partner, remember this: you’re not alone. So many people think they’re the only ones in their small town that aren’t in a relationship, and while this could very rarely be true, it’s usually not. At the exact moment you’re upset about not having anyone to share your love with, someone else is also wondering why they can’t find someone too.
VALLEY wants to remind you that everyone finds their person at some point in their lifetime and one’s life is not linear to another. It’s perfectly okay if your friends have been in a committed relationship for five years. That’s their path and it’s unfolding as it’s meant to. Your journey will unfold in its own time, exactly as it should.
Treat Yourself

Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to do some self-care activities, and we have the perfect list for you!
- Movies
- This is the perfect day to take yourself to the movies to watch the film you’ve been waiting to see, especially if it’s the new “Bridget Jone’s” movie coming out on February 14th.
- Coffee Date
- Go to your favorite coffee shop and order your favorite drink! Maybe even splurge and order a sweet pastry.
- Be Active
- Move your body! Go take that pilates class you’ve been dying to try or get a sweat on during leg day.
- Bath Time
- Draw yourself a warm bath, add some bubbles and pair it with your best face mask.
- Dinner
- Reserve a table for one at a restaurant that’s been on your list to try and order from the dessert menu. (This can be scary, but VALLEY wants you to get out of your comfort zone.)
Valentine’s Day for single people should not be a dreadful day; go have the ultimate self-care day and continue learning to love yourself!
VALLEY wants to know what your Valentine’s Day plans are by tagging @VALLEYmag on X!
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