
A Dash of Healthy: Spiced Chicken Power Bowl

A Dash of Healthy: Spiced Chicken Power Bowl


Change how you see chicken with our Spiced Chicken Power Bowl. Each serving is a complete meal, packed with 35 grams of protein from whole grains and lean meat. Quinoa, one of the main ingredients, is a go-to power food. While it’s often labeled as a grain it’s actually a seed, made up of all 8 essential amino acids. In college-speak this means you can count on quinoa as a complete source of protein— it’s got your back.

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First World Problems: Packing Edition

First World Problems: Packing Edition


There’s nothing in this world we resent more, but can completely relate to on an extremely shallow, yet intimate level. Yep, we’re talking about first world problems.
In light of finals and the inevitable chore of packing up everything you somehow managed to haul all the way here in the first place, you’re probably going to be hearing your fair share of first world problems being voiced this week and will most likely let a few slip yourself, and Valley wants to be there to say we told you so.

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Stages of an All-nighter

Stages of an All-nighter


Going to college comes with tons of awesome experiences: your first football game, your 21st birthday bar crawl, killer internships and (for Penn Staters) THON. But with the mad perks college gives you, come the cons along with it. The dreaded right of passage we all experience? The all-nighter.

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