valley magazine

Perforated Leather

Perforated Leather


It’s finally springtime and it’s time to pull out your colored jeans, lightweight sweaters and flats –well, at least on days that it’s at least 50 degrees and sunny in State College. This spring, pastels and florals are a must, but don’t shy away from the latest trend – perforated leather.

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The Kardashian Fascination

The Kardashian Fascination


I never understood the world’s fascination with the Kardashians until recently. Over spring break, I somehow managed to watch four seasons of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I don’t like reality television, so why do I, and the rest of the world, love the Kardashians? Here are just a few of my reasons.

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Getting Acquainted on Tinder

Getting Acquainted on Tinder


Dating is hard. But, dating in college? Really hard. Between a full load of classes and multiple extracurricular activities, meeting someone we could potentially see ourselves dating is a challenge. As college students, we are constantly jumping from one time commitment to another.

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Dance Dance Maniacs

Dance Dance Maniacs


We all like to pretend we know how to dance, but after sitting in during a Dance Dance Maniacs club meeting, I am convinced that I was born with two left feet. Dance Dance Maniacs started six years ago from a group of students in the Anime Organization that started playing DDR for fun, but so many people began showing up to play that they created a new club.

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Conversation Woes of the Gluten-free

Conversation Woes of the Gluten-free


“Gluten is a vague term. It’s something that is used to categorize things that are bad. Calories, that’s gluten. Fat, that’s a gluten,” says Seth Rogan in “This Is the End”. That’s a nice try, but no Seth. Gluten is a protein found in foods processed from wheat and other grains such a barley and rye. Gluten helps dough rise and gives it its chewy texture.

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If State College Apartment Buildings Were Guys

If State College Apartment Buildings Were Guys


Once you’ve survived a year of wearing flip flops in the shower and attending mandatory floor meetings with an overly enthusiastic RA, you are finally free to find a new home and the options are endless (well, sort of). Whether it’s on East College or West Beaver or any street in between, the apartments of State College certainly all have their quirks and well, personalities.

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You Know You’re a Penn Stater When…


How many times have heard someone say (or we ourselves have said) something is “so State”? Probably more than we care to admit. But, that’s how Penn Staters are. We love our school and all the quirks that make it undeniably “State.” There are simply some things that only Penn Staters can relate to and appreciate. Here are some of our favorites.

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