valley magazine

Oh, that’s not her color


We’ve all heard the phrase “oh that’s her color.” Searching for a prom dress, picking out what color nails to get or even what this season’s hair color will look like. Certain colors look good on certain people. It’s a science, really. The different combos of skin tones, eye colors and even a person’s energy can have an impact on what colors look best on them. 

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The 80/ 20 rule


In an ideal world, everyday we could all eat a dozen donuts and a box of pizza after a long night out without suffering the consequences. The harsh reality is that is not the way to a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, a life that only consists of salads, gym workouts and journaling is also not the best. There is a happy median with a lifestyle commonly known as the “80/20 rule”— a way to get the best of both worlds. 

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