Tales of a Campus Uber Driver

Photo from Pinterest.com

It’s 3 a.m. and you’ve been out with your girls for hours. You’ve danced, drank, wandered downtown or frat row and maybe even chatted up a man or two. As the night comes to an end there is now only one mission on your mind: how are we getting back home? While the financially responsible option is to just walk home, for those of us who live a little bit too far of a journey away sometimes coughing up the seven-dollar Uber ride is worth it.

If there is one thing we know about Uber rides in State College, it is that they are never boring. We have all had some interesting experiences sitting in the backseat of an Uber. VALLEY asked Penn State students for their wildest Uber experiences, and they did not disappoint.

Photo from Pinterest.com
The trauma dumping Ubers…

“One time my Uber driver spent my 5-minute ride telling me about how he got kicked out of his house, and that his car that we were driving in had gotten robbed the night before.”

“He told me he needed to Uber to make money to attend his uncle’s funeral. I almost started crying for him.”

The iconic Ubers…

“Lori Limo. She’s just an icon, there’s not much else to say. She has two dogs who ride around with her AND has LED lights and disco balls.”

“One time I got an Uber that had a whole karaoke system, microphones and all. We were jamming to Olivia Rodrigo the entire ride home from the frats and she was singing along.”

“I always get this Australian man who tells me about his life journey to State College. He backpacks here and sleeps in an air mattress in his car, and he absolutely adores his little life.”

Photo from Pinterest.com
And the Uber experiences so weird we were worried no one would believe us…

“This lady had her dog sitting in the front seat with her, which was super cute at first until the dog tried to jump out of the passenger side window into oncoming traffic.”

“I once had a Disney-themed Uber. She played nothing but Disney soundtrack music the entire ride and had Disney figurines covering the dashboard.”

“I swear one night my Uber driver was eating dog treats. I noticed the car had a strange smell, and when I looked in the front seat he was eating dog treats from the bag. Just casually munching. I know I am not mistaken because my dog eats the exact same brand of treats.”

What is your craziest Uber story? Let us know by mentioning @VALLEYmag on X!


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